Chiwalking/Midfoot strike?

I am trying to learn chiwalking and having a hard time getting the midfoot strike down. This was recommended to me by my physical therapist to help put less strain on knee's and ankles. Two areas I have issues with already.

I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to learn midfoot striking or maybe how you converted from heel to midfoot stiking yourself?


  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I'm told it's hard to consciously change your strike. That being said, when I started running a few months ago I was a heel striker and had shin splints from hell. When I slowed my pace and began rhythmic breathing, my shin splints went away and I noticed that I'm midfoot striking.

    If you're just walking and not running, it'll probably take a lot more conscious effort on your part. Just pay attention to how it feels when you walk heel toe and then force yourself to midfoot strike and pay attention to how that feels and the difference between the two.

    Good luck!
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member

    I think changing your walking is hard. I have shortened my stride and trying to focus on my steps.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Run barefoot or in vibram five fingers and you will do it automatically. It hurts to land on your heel without an inch of foam under it. Changing foot strike while wearing traditional shoes is difficult.