Question for women who lift heavy...



  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    Oh this is so interesting! I had had some "hormonal" seeming symptoms and this makes a lot of sense. I was really nervous that I was pregnant or something! I am so glad I came across this...
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Add me to the list of people who are glad this is happening to others as well.

    In my case, I'd have a week or more of super-light spotting (what I call a "warning that it's coming") and THEN it would finally start, and last for about 5 days. This all started up around the same time I began the 5x5. I mentioned it to my doctor in March, and he sent me for an ultrasound (that came back totally normal) and now has me scheduled for a hysteroscopy and biopsy. I called the nurse today and explained that I feel this is a bit like going after a housefly with a hand grenade, and could we please postpone any further testing until a few more months go by, as this most recent cycle seemed to be back to normal. Still waiting for her to call back with what the doctor recommends. Here's hoping he agrees with me.

    Editing to add: Just heard back from the doc's office. He said it's fine to postpone the appointment, and to keep a menstrual diary for the next 3 months, then check back in with him to report how things are going. Of course, if something alarming happens sooner, contact him immediately. So, for anyone else also experiencing menstrual disruptions of any kind - it may be a smart move to start tracking everything in a paper journal.
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    I haven't experienced that, but after I started lifting around a year ago I started getting really white splotches on my skin around my neck and chest (think a *very* mild case of Michael Jackson whiteness). Freaked me out a bit so I talked to my doctor, she said that it had to do with my hormones changing from the intense lifting I was doing. It had something to do with a bacteria that lives on everyone's skin becoming "active" and making my skin stop producing melanin in those areas.

    Sounds like it could be a hormone thing with you as well- I would ask you doctor, honestly.

    I get those spots sometimes as well. It is a fungus on your skin that becomes active . U can actually dab athletes foot cream on them for 2-3 days and they will disappear :)
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    I've had a similar experience. I've been doing moderate lifting at home for like a year with dumbbells, but recently finally obtained a barbell set and rack, so I was able to increase my weights quite a bit over the past month (although I'm currently capped out again on stuff like deadlifts until I get more weights :grumble:) and I entirely skipped my period in April. It freaked me out completely, because I've never missed a period in my life, and the only birth control I'm currently using is condoms. I even took several pregnancy tests just to double-check. I really only increased my weights by maybe 50lb, but maybe that was enough to do it. We'll see what happens in May....
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    I think the idea of keeping a "menstrual diary" sounds beneficial...albeit slightly funny.

    When this happened to me last year, the pill I was on was triphasic, so I'm interested to see if the spotting follows a similar pattern now that I am on a monophasic pill.

    Anybody else wish they'd hurry up with the male bc pill already?!?!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Okay so I yes after heavy lifting started to have a few interesting side effects. yes the spotting. Yes the little fungus uprising on the skin (had to get medicine) and lastly, I turned into a teenager with acne. Apparently this is all related to hormonal adjustments. Bleh.