i started my journey 30 days ago and i am noticing a difference. but heres the key. I AM NOT ON A DIET!!! for me, this is a lifestyle change. my husband and one of our children are hypoglyvemic so we are all making this heathier lifestyle change. what i HATE is when ppl tell me that we do not need to be on "diets". i choose to not eat fast food, that does not mean i am dieting. i choose to watch everything that goes into our mouths and that it be as healthy as possible. i will do this for the rest of my life and hope that my children learn from this. just because i will reach my goal weight does not mean i will go back to eating the crap we used to eat.

i know the ppl i am ranting about will never see this but i feel better getting it off my chest. :grumble:


  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    Good for you - it's so annoying when people assume you're on a diet. If I lose weight, I always get people asking if I'm eating enough and I have to explain that I definitely am, I'm just eating the right stuff!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm on a diet whenever I am actively pursuing a goal through controlling my food intake, whether it is maintaining, losing, or gaining.

    A healthy diet is part of my lifestyle change. I think what you mean is you are not on a temporary diet which will then progress to having no control or goals.
  • autumny70
    autumny70 Posts: 127 Member
    I totally get this. I have always been a healthy eater and my co-workers have always been slightly suspicious of the foods I bring for lunch (usually leftovers). They are starting to notice a difference in my appearance and all want to know what "weird" stuff I'm eating (seriously? quinoa is weird??). I have been asked several times what "diet" I'm on and what magical tricks I'm using. They are sorely disappointed when I reply that I' m simply eating less, using portion control, and moving more. Yesterday I had a cupcake for an afternoon snack and it was widely assumed that I had "given up". Dude, I measured that cupcake and I enjoyed every single one of those 193 calories!
  • lizbeth926
    lizbeth926 Posts: 43
    Oh I SO know what you're talking about!!! Its not about dieting, its about a lifestyle change for a healthier you!!! Losing the weight, though it may be needed, is bonus to feeling better.

    I get it. For me, it's about getting back to basics and walking away from the 'fast food' and eating healthier. I let myself get out of control and thus the weight came back on. Gotta say.....Mcdonald's became way too easy!

    But I feel better already and know that the path I've decided to take will make a happier and healthier me! Good luck to you!
  • juggz212
    juggz212 Posts: 32
    When people hear the word "diet" most assume its a fad diet that can be seen on morning or late night infomercials. I stopped using the word diet, I just say I'm eating clean (which I am) it's simpler in my opinion. It's not a diet it's not temporary it's a lifestyle.
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
  • seths_milf
    seths_milf Posts: 56 Member
    I definitely know what you're saying! I feel the same way. :smile:
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    it is a total lifestyle change. The diets don't work, it's all about checks and balances. This is what I've learned so far. If you diet, then hit goal and don't continue, you're going to gain it all back. There is no maintanace... if you have truly changed your lifestyle... :tongue:
  • angserino
    angserino Posts: 59
    I understand what you mean OP. I have been on diets, but THIS time, I'm not on one. I decided to change my ways. I decided to change the way I look at food, what I put in my mouth and to include exercising as a daily task just like brushing my teeth. When people ask how I'm doing on my diet, I ask what diet? I'm not on a diet!
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    Diet is one of those 4 letter words I try to avoid. I've lost 24 pounds so far not on a diet. I just make smarter choices like grilled and not fried along with making sure to eat more fruitss and veggies. I haven't put anything on a can't eat list. It is all about making better choices and getting exercise to become stronger.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never understood why people hate this so much. When I'm asked if I'm on a diet, my answer is "Always". When I'm told I don't need to be on a diet, it's "Of course I do". When I'm told I don't need to lose weight, the answer is "I know. It's because I stick to my diet.".

    I AM ON A DIET. Technically we all are, but I am on a diet by the common usage definition. I control my intake for calories and nutrients. It's because I am on a diet that I have no need to go on a diet.

    DIET. It's not a dirty word. It's a GREAT word. It's a GREAT thing.