Another 5/3/1 Question

Am wanting to start the 5/3/1 lifting program and have a question on the Assistance portion of the routine. I plan to follow the Bodybuilder variation and am wondering how much weight should I be using for the assistance exercises? Should I be using less weight than I have been using in the past, for example when do barbell curls I usually warm up w/25 or 30 lb (12-14 reps) and then do 2 sets (10-12 reps) @ 40 lbs and a final set (8-10 reps) @ 45 lbs.


  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    How long have you been lifting?

    You can do what ever you like in your assistance, you just need to pick your set/rep ranges and then find a weight that fits that.
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    I have been lifting on/off for over a year. My plan is to do the core exercise and then do 4 assistance exercises (4 set/10 reps).
  • ahmadfahmy
    ahmadfahmy Posts: 214 Member
    start at a weight you can do 5x10 (usually 40% 1RM). if its too easy increase the weight by 5 lbs every week but make sure you still can perform 5x10 reps
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    start at a weight you can do 5x10 (usually 40% 1RM). if its too easy increase the weight by 5 lbs every week but make sure you still can perform 5x10 reps

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I would just add that the 4th and 5th set should be difficult to finish in most cases. For chin-ups / pull-ups, vary the grips you use and even take one of those rope-extension attachments and throw it over the bar and do chin-ups with that.

    Edit: Also, I think that you'll find at least in the first week as it pertains to assistance work it will be a a learning experience. Start light and increase the weight each set until you think you're at the appropriate weight for your 5 worksets of each assistance movement.