Jamie Eason's LiveFit - Who Will Join Me?!

Hey all! I'm looking for anyone who wants to join me in Jamie Eason's LiveFit training program. It's 100% free and is all about clean eating and lifting- some cardio too. It's a great program and has recipes, videos, and printable logs. For more info go here:


If you'd like to join me please add me as a friend and we can support each other! :-)


  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Hey I'm not doing Jamie's program, but I did consider it! I also looked at Starting Strength & Strong Lifts 5x5. I went with NROL4W instead, but I would be happy to be pals with you and encourage you! :D
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I've done this program..its a great learning tool =)

    best of luck!
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    I'm on the last day of week 2! I'll totally join you on this adventure! :)
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I'm on W1D3. Woo Leg Day!!! So excited to have an established plan of lifting to follow instead of coming up with my own routines. I love that I was able to sync her plan to my calendar. Very handy.
  • kar760
    kar760 Posts: 4 Member
    I just finished day 3 of week 1 and loving this so far!!!!! I have never ever weight trained, only done cardio so this is all very foreign to me. I could use mega encouragement and motivation if anyone wants to add me!:smile:
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Just started this, this week! Really excited about it!
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    I don't have all the proper equipment for it and don't have access to a gym but I was looking at it too...
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Hey how are y'all doing since starting Jamie Eason's LiveFit. I have to admit, I just finished week 2 and I'm a bit discouraged that my scale has actually gone up. I'm figuring that its because I'm putting on some muscle and retaining more fluids to repair my muscles...but I'm also measuring and haven't seen any real changes. What about you guys?
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Hey how are y'all doing since starting Jamie Eason's LiveFit. I have to admit, I just finished week 2 and I'm a bit discouraged that my scale has actually gone up. I'm figuring that its because I'm putting on some muscle and retaining more fluids to repair my muscles...but I'm also measuring and haven't seen any real changes. What about you guys?

    Two weeks is not long enough to see results. Your muscles are retaining water for repair and your body needs time to adjust. I did not see a loss on the scale until 6 weeks into my lifting program (NROL4W). I also gained prior to that. I have yet to remeasure myself, but I plan to do that Sunday (however, my clothes were fitting tighter for awhile there). You need to be patient and give it time. :) 6 - 8 weeks is the usual range, but it can take longer.

    In addition, assure that your nutrition is where it needs to be. Your calories need to be high enought to support the activity and your macros are important. :)
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Hey how are y'all doing since starting Jamie Eason's LiveFit. I have to admit, I just finished week 2 and I'm a bit discouraged that my scale has actually gone up. I'm figuring that its because I'm putting on some muscle and retaining more fluids to repair my muscles...but I'm also measuring and haven't seen any real changes. What about you guys?

    Two weeks is not long enough to see results. Your muscles are retaining water for repair and your body needs time to adjust. I did not see a loss on the scale until 6 weeks into my lifting program (NROL4W). I also gained prior to that. I have yet to remeasure myself, but I plan to do that Sunday (however, my clothes were fitting tighter for awhile there). You need to be patient and give it time. :) 6 - 8 weeks is the usual range, but it can take longer.

    In addition, assure that your nutrition is where it needs to be. Your calories need to be high enought to support the activity and your macros are important. :)

    Wasn't really looking for an answer or advice as much as I just wanted to tell everyone where I was at and see where they were.
  • fitnesscatalyst
    Keep doing it! I don't look at the scale! If I did, I would drive myself nuts! I did the LFT twice, and I loved the results! I went from about 135/133 to 128/130, but my body is more muscle and less fat. I feel like a different person, inside and out. Keep it up; you will be happy you did!
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    In for the Jamie Eason pics
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I started lifting a few weeks ago, originally with Jamie Eason's program, but switched after reading NROL4W, now I am nearly done with phase one of that, and reading new rules of lifting for abs. Also looked into stronglifts and starting strength, and will probably end up doing my own hybrid version of everything - all geared to the equipment I have, and allowing for my 10k running program.
    As for results - weight +- the same, BF down a little, strength up, endurance up, jeans don't fit the same anymore (I think I actually have bigger thighs now, hoping that will change once I drop more body fat).
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    I'm currently completing the last four weeks!

    In terms of results so far, I feel amazing. I started with a BMI of 20.9, so I knew that focusing on losing weight would be silly. Instead, I've been focusing on appearance and strength gain.

    Appearance: My body fat % has decreased, I see definition in my muscles, I can almost consider my figure decent looking now, my BMI is now 19.7

    Strength Gain: Too many exercises to list all their improvements, but I'm most happy with my squats. I started squatting with a 40lb barbell (lol). Now squatting 115% of my body weight.

    As a note, I didn't follow the program as strictly as I could have. I repeated week eight, twice. Once because I wanted to continue trying to improve my lifts, and twice because my usual gym was going through renovations and trying new, plyo related exercises in a smaller gym I'm not familiar with doesn't appeal to me too much. Furthermore, I have incorporated some level of cardio since day one. I also didn't allow myself to gain weight to improve strength at a faster rate. I don't know if I'm going to implement carb cycling either, since I think it might have negative consequences on my relationship with food.

    That being said, everything has still been great. So great. It's taught me so much. Recommended!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I am thinking about starting it when I get back from vacation on June 19th, so as not to have any interruptions in training. I was going to do Jamie's program, C25K, and Zumba once a week. That's the summer plan!

  • erpar4
    erpar4 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm actually doing a different lifting program but I would LOVE MFP friends who are doing a weight training program with clean eating to help push and motivate me to reach my goals.

    Please anyone feel free to friend me and I'll happily provide motivation/support!!
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    @xxDearyen- So glad to hear! I know that I'm learning alot... LOL and I'm squating 40lbs .... glad to know that it will get better!

    @erpar4- accepted! Excited to see all the results!
  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    I just finished day 1 of the program. 5:30 am comes very early in the morning... Feel free to add me... Women only...
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I am starting Day 1 today.
    Tested the waters last week and I can tell its a great program. If anyone else is also doing this add me as a friend if you want for support.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I am doing New Rules right now, but want to try LiveFit after. I have heard so many great things about the program.