Pregnant Mommies

JesseM28 Posts: 10 Member
I was just curious what the daily calorie level is for other pregnant mommies in their 3rd trimester.....I think I am eating too much but I want to see what other people are doing. I am about 5'9'' by the way. If you are recently post-partum and breastfeeding, what are you eating also? Thanks!


  • melissathornhill
    melissathornhill Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...I'm 5'4" and my doctor told me to eat about 2000 to 2300 calories per day. I'm 21 weeks along. I've been able to keep up my exercise, so I haven't gained a ton like I thought I might by eating that much. I plan to keep it about the same in my third trimester too.