Feeling more hungry as I approach my ultimate goal weight

I have set my calorie limit to lose 1/2 per week and i adjusted that up from 2lbs..1lbs...so fourth since I started at almost 200lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 135 and I am approaching that soon and will change my goals to maintain once I get there...but I AM SO HUNGRY. I have never had this hunger issue before while losing almost 100lbs (highest weight). Is it normal for appetite to increase closer to goal weight? Do I just listen to my body and eat more or crack down and be more strict to finally get rid of these last four pounds?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Looking a few days back in your diary, I would say you definitely need to eat more! You are active, and you're not even hitting your goal, some days netting around 1000 cals. :noway:

    I actually lost the last 10 lbs by eating a lot more than what MFP had set for me, and the last few of the 10 by upping a bit more because like you, I was hungry! Our bodies have changed as we lost the weight and became more fit - calorie needs change too!

    Goal means GOAL, and food is fuel! If you body is giving you legitimate hunger signs, I'd take that as a sign to EAT MORE! :bigsmile:

    Have a look at this topic and try running your numbers through the tools linked there - I bet you'll find that you could and should be eating a lot more: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13
  • NCurtis7570
    NCurtis7570 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank Amy I really appreciate your feedback. I just thought it was strange that I didn't feel as hungry being bigger but now I feel like I could eat constantly and don't want to go down that slippery slope again of gaining. I really think I need to listen to my body and eat when I am hungry and I still will get the results I want. Good luck to you as well.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    ya i have the exact same thing. when i started this weight loss journey i definitely didnt feel as hungry as i feel now even though i was losing more quickly at the beginning. this week especially i have been starrrrrrrrrving! maybe it is a signal that we are close to our bodies 'natural' weight nd so our body is trying to tell us to stop losing
  • NCurtis7570
    NCurtis7570 Posts: 8 Member
    I can definitely agree with that confetti. Otherwise I think ppl could get delusional and eat at a deficit into sickness and maybe its just our bodies way of saying "yep we are there its time to eat before you get sick" ;)
  • BotsMomJ
    BotsMomJ Posts: 24 Member
    When I had lost my weight and got to my goal, I upped my calorie allowance an additional 200 per day. And on days when I excercise a lot more, you better believe I eat those calories! I am always starving after working out! Don't stress about it, as long as you're making the right choices when you do eat. You're doing great!!