Strength Training Recovery Time

Just started strength training and am sore all over. I have received different advice from different corners on the subject, but would like some feedback. For starters, I am lifting only major muscle groups for now...nothing esoteric. Back, Biceps, Chest, and some core on day 1. Legs on day 2. If I am still sore tomorrow, do I wait a day to go back to upper body, or take a day off with some cardio in between? In other words, is it better to push through the soreness or let the body recover more? I am 50, and i know it takes longer to recover. Any thoughts are appreciated.

For what its worth, my insticts tell me to push through.


  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I'm having the same question, or one very similar.

    I just upped my lifting, and soreness I expected. But I am just plain TIRED for about two days after. Continue, or rest?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Just started strength training and am sore all over. I have received different advice from different corners on the subject, but would like some feedback. For starters, I am lifting only major muscle groups for now...nothing esoteric. Back, Biceps, Chest, and some core on day 1. Legs on day 2. If I am still sore tomorrow, do I wait a day to go back to upper body, or take a day off with some cardio in between? In other words, is it better to push through the soreness or let the body recover more? I am 50, and i know it takes longer to recover. Any thoughts are appreciated.

    For what its worth, my insticts tell me to push through.

    At the start, I think it makes sense to let yourself recover a little longer, your body has to adapt. You'll be sore, DOMS is generally worse 48 hours after a hard session for new lifters. Also, you're a bit older, so you need to give your muscles a little more time to rebuild at the start.

    After you've adapted though, go to it as long as you feel good.
  • tubzzy77
    tubzzy77 Posts: 104 Member
    You always want to recover so your muscles are repaired fully and are able to move the most weight. Since you are 50 it is going to take longer to recover you might want to go 2 days of working out 2 days to recover and just repeat that cycle.Or go Mon Tues Thurs Fri, and take Wed/Sat/Sun as rest days. Believe it or not you need about 8 hours a night of solid sleep and good food (enough Calories/protein) to build muscle, recover faster, and increase your lifts.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Take a recovery day, you don't want to tear anything. I personally find that if I'm sore (unless it's extreme) a bit of light cardio helps to relieve some of the acid built up in the muscles. Just do lots of stretching and make sure you are getting lots of protein.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Ah! Overwhelming votes for recovery time. I appreciate the feedback. Will adjust my schedule. Many many thanks!
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Lift three days a week - Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thur, Sat. That should be enough rest. Your body will get used to it. Workout muscle groups that help each other together like chest and tris.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Just started strength training and am sore all over. I have received different advice from different corners on the subject, but would like some feedback. For starters, I am lifting only major muscle groups for now...nothing esoteric. Back, Biceps, Chest, and some core on day 1. Legs on day 2. If I am still sore tomorrow, do I wait a day to go back to upper body, or take a day off with some cardio in between? In other words, is it better to push through the soreness or let the body recover more? I am 50, and i know it takes longer to recover. Any thoughts are appreciated.

    For what its worth, my insticts tell me to push through.

    If it's bad enough to affect your form, then definitely rest. If not, then it's pretty much up to you. I do agree that giving yourself a bit more time in the beginning is probably ok, but if you can push through it without risk, then go for it.

    But your recovery/"rest" days shouldn't be spent on the couch. Do some walking, swimming, stretching, foam rolling... something to help work the muscles loose. It'll suck at first, but it'll shorten the overall recovery time.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Depending on how sore you are too. I was told to break up my upper body workouts, which might work for you too.

    1st day - all upper body pushing exercises
    2nd day - cardio
    3rd day - lower body
    4th day - cardio
    5th day - all upper body pulling exercises
    6th day - cardio
    7th day - rest

    When I do cardio days I have something like a HIIT workout, spinning class not just steady pace for 60 mins.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Again...thank you so much, all of you for taking the time to answer. Gives me some options to think about.
  • ahmadfahmy
    ahmadfahmy Posts: 214 Member
    If you are really sore, take the rest of the week off..there is no need to rush. I started with 1 day a week until i could build up to a 3x week routine. Just stick to heavy compound lifts and a few accessory lifts and you will put on lots of mass.... and no machines. ever.