needing your words

badgirl33 Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
many know me in our mfp world.
but not under this name.
i'm obsessed w/ loosing lbs!!!!
i think i'm 10 lbs away from my goal (and have been for over a year)
others think i look ok.
i'm old, (47) so i'll never look like the 25 yr girl i dream of.
i exercise like a mad woman! but i eat like one too.
i dunno what 2 do.
i've even resorted to making myself purge and when that did not "work" tonight, i took laxitives.

please share some words w/ me.

i :heart: mfp


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I've found talking to someone has helped me to put things in better perspective, I'm not saying I've arrived, but I'm on my way.

    I see my therapist 2 times a week right now and we discuss many things, not necessarily food but feelings, body image, self esteem etc.

    I don't know your finacial situation but if you don't have insurance there are a number of sliding fee scale programs that most anyone can use.

    I wish you the best, it's hard sometimes I know {{{badgirl33}}}, be extra kind to yourself, you deserve it!!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Just remember what MFP is all about - HEALTHY changes. Please try to focus on what is truly important - it is NOT the pounds. It is your health. Purging, laxatives - these aren't healthy ways of achieving your goals. Even if you did manage to lose the weight this way, it would never stay gone.

    Weight loss is the hardest when it's not happening - that is when you must STAY THE COURSE. If you can't seem to get back to losing then try changing it up - look at what you've been eating and see if you can mix in something new or just different. Change up the exercise routine - more cardio, interval training, weights. But make sure that your changes are HEALTHY ones and not just desperate attempts to make the scale say something different.

    Try not to get caught up in the number on the scale. It's not what truly matters. Taking care of yourself - that is what matters most. If you can keep doing that, then a healthy weight will follow.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I'm with Becca! Talking to someone always helps me when I need some encouragement. Reach out to someone if you can and just believe in yourself. I wish you all the best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    First and most important words I will give you, YOU ARE NOT A BAD GIRL. I hope you don't resort to purging again because that does a lot of damage to your body. You say you are 10 lbs from your goal and have been for a year. Is it possible where you are now is what you should weigh? I don't know how you arrived at your goal or if was a weight that you liked when you were very young. If that is the case sometimes as women get older it is very hard to weigh the same as they did as younger women. The best thing you can do is love and accept yourself and eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, drink enough water, and exercise. The weight will come off but it might take more time. It sounds like you are getting a lot of positive feedback from people around you who think you look great so hopefully that helps. Just remember you are a wonderful person no matter what the scale says. Have a wonderful evening. :flowerforyou:
  • badgirl33
    badgirl33 Posts: 5
    thank you 4 talking 2 me.
  • KDuckGirl
    KDuckGirl Posts: 32
    They're right. Listen, I think I would much rather be your age and 10 POUNDS from my goal than to be the young girl whose 30-40 pounds away from her goal weight! Your so close!! I understand the struggle that your going through completely, it's hard living in the world but resorting to unhealthy quick fixes aren't going to do you any good in the long run..They'll lower your metabolism, cause your body to starve and eat away at your muscle, cause rapid ups and downs in your weight fluctuation, and they won't deliver the permanent weight loss you really desire.

    Take it from me, I've dated the same guy for 5 years and just now have gotten comfortable/confident with myself in our relationship because every girl he dated before me appeared to be a size 2 at the most! I was always paranoid that he was subconsciously comparing my body to theirs. One of them was even featured in playboy recently but she's got a terribly unappealing personality about her!! Even worse, when we were on a break all his buddies encouraged him to hook up with her and he did..

    My profile quotation says "Have the courage to accept what you can't alter, and alter what you can't accept." Otherwise we will just become prisoners of our insecurities and that's not the way anyone should live! You deserve to be happy and confident and to feel beautiful! This website is a great source of support and motivation and you have many other options available too! Most gyms offer 3 free training sessions where a trainer will plan out your nutrition with you and give you all the tips you need. My mom was a jenny craig consultant for a while and meeting with someone like that just to talk really keeps you positive and motivated (they have really yummy food options there too, I love their lemon and chocolate cake!). Weight watchers offers a close knit support group as well.

    It's great you work out well. If only I could share with you my eating habits and you could lend me your workout swagger! I've been incorporating the Dr. Oz belly blaster smoothie into my diet and I lost 8 pounds since I started that! only took 2 weeks :) Maybe you will want to try it? I can let you know the recipe if your interested! :flowerforyou:
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