Hi! Just decided to go "public"

IHeart90s Posts: 38 Member
Hey everyone!

I've been on MFP for almost a year and was kind of embarrassed to add anyone or have someone see what I eat. I started reading all the forums and realized everyone recommends adding people for encouragement and sticking to the plan, which has been my problem since I started. I have a couple of good weeks and loose some weight and then the bad days come and it's like taking one step forward and two steps back.

So here I am asking for some nice people to join me in our path to healthy living and smack me in the head when the bad days come.


  • saraknotts
    saraknotts Posts: 37 Member
    I'm sending you a request...and ask that you do the same for me!
  • IHeart90s
    IHeart90s Posts: 38 Member
  • Mummy2Corey
    Mummy2Corey Posts: 23
    Hey :) I too used to be embarrassed at having my diary viewable but decided to change it to friends as think its easier to give real support/comments - sometimes still am embarrassed that everyone eats healthier than me (am a chocolate lover!) but still glad I made the choice to make it viewable so you can kick me up the bum if needed!!

    Please feel free to add me and I'll happily support you on your journey and give a gentle nudge on those bad days - or a kick up the bum if needed! We're all in this together and i believe that other people going through the same obstacles & challenges are more motivating than anyone else as they know exactly what you're going through! :)
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Having supportive friends on here has definitely held me accountable! I log everything I eat and have been more motivated to choose healthier options. Good luck to you! We can do this!