I had a bad two eating days

I am so disappointed in myself. I have been doing MFP & WW since 2/27/13 and I am down 20lbs. I was doing so good and then I had two very stressful days...hating myself right now!


  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    Two days a lifetime doesn't make. If this is a diet and you are on a time frame to lose weight...then yeah this is a setback. But if this is a lifestyle change then just get back up and get back on track. We all stumble, we all fall, but the only way to fail is to quit.

    Keep your chin up! :)
  • sapphies
    sapphies Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks:) definitely a life style change and not a diet.
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    2 days is not too bad especially if you have been doing this since February. Heck I sometimes have 2 bad days a week (weekend) and I am still loosing weight. Not as quickly at times as I would like but it is all ok. Just drink plenty of water over the next couple of days and get back on track and you will be fine.
  • Posesqueen
    Posesqueen Posts: 11
    It was just two days! Don't feel bad about yourself - it was food you ate. You didn't do anything "bad." Just pick yourself back up, recommit yourself to a healthy eating style, and realize that sometimes, you're going to eat pizza and ice cream :)
  • lblouin82
    lblouin82 Posts: 1 Member
    Just get back into it. The two day's will seem like nothing soon. Good luck!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    2 days is not going to ruin your progress. Just get back on track.
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    So you loose a battle, but your still not loose the war.

    Take up your gloves and keep on fighting.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Don't worry, you will be fine. Don't forget we are human....
  • laracroft72
    I sure understand, and then I get mad at myself. But just hang in there.
  • quixiekat
    quixiekat Posts: 1
    Right there with you... I started my cycle and ate like a crazy woman for the past two days. I didn't even do my weekly weigh-in yesterday b/c I'm afraid to see what the scale says!

    I lost 4 pounds since starting MFP almost a month ago but then I stopped losing anything. Now I'm afraid I've gained it all back. I'm really wondering how all of you guys have lost weight at all!!?! I cannot seem to get and stay below 138 and am starting to get discouraged. I do cardio 3 times a week and am in training to become a certified Pilates instructor so I'm in the studio doing pilates 3 days a week as well. Other than these past two days I am meticulous with my calories and am eating no more than 1300/day.

    I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong and I'm sick of carrying around these extra 15 pounds.
