Before doing the gastric bypass...ADVICE



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If you failed to lose weight through calorie management, you should expect problems with regain later because surgery will not make you magically able to manage your calories. I think your best choice is to try one more time, but with new strategies.

    Why did your diets fail? Were you eating too little which made the diet hard? Were you unable to control cravings? Were you not aware of how calories work? Are you an emotional eater? Did you feel restricted by the amount/type of food which made the diet hard? and so on..

    Write down the things that made you fail and try to come up with solutions. You may actually learn a lot about yourself and find yourself able to lose weight without surgery.

    If this fails or you still want to have surgery, read a lot about it and research online to see what will happen if you have it and decide if it's worth it. If you decide it is, find people who had it and keep in touch with them. People may be able to help you with many of your fears and concerns.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    Good luck.

    I've had 3 friends that have done it. One died...staff infection.l Two told me they lost 100 pounds and not more so they were still left overweight or obese. One of them has to cut their food into really really tiny pieces to even be able to eat and keep food down and get food into his stomach.

    I've had 2 friends get sleeves. didn't change her mindset or eating habits. And even worse, her doctor told her to GAIN 15 POUNDS before she qualified for surgery. That is insane! Therefore, the quick fix certainly didn't work for her.

    The other person is doing great and taking it seriously and making healthy life style choices.

    I know it is not for me, but if you choose to do go to the suggested sites and get the support you need from those that have done it. And before you do it based on one doctor, have all the facts, be informed, and make a decision based on that, not one doctor's opinion.
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    I had surgery a year and half ago and I do not regret it for a minute, I know tones of people that have had it also and they are healthy and no major complications, don't get me wrong I know some that have had complications but generally speaking those people had a lot of health issues prior to surgery and after they did not follow the important rules. I am far from perfect from my nutrition and it does not fix all your problems, it is a work in progress all the time. I need support and motivation just like before but having more then a 100 lbs to loose became too much for me to do on my own. I had a lazy bowel and was never able to drop weight, my hormones were a big issue before and since surgery and loosing weight it has helped rebalance everything for me. This isn't a quick fix or magic pill there is so many changes and things to work on but for me it was the answer. Everyone has to make the choice for themselves but the rate of death is very little and the complications are not typically life threatning in most, yes of course there are some. But like I said I have never had any complications and I know so many others just like me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,698 Member
    I am getting ready to do a gastric bypass...I am dieting for years and I can't make it, so my doctors recommended the surgery and I was OK with it.
    BUT reading about it made me very scare...the liquid diet before the surgery, the liquid and puree diet after the surgery for months, I don't know if I can make it.
    Scare me the dumping, not to be able again to eat any sugar or not to drink and eat together (I choked otherwise)...I am scared
    Someone has an advice for me? I am very confuse, as they say here: not to eat less than 1200 calories, but after doing this surgery for months you need to eat so much I don't know.
    I currently am working with a client who had severely muscle loss and strength due to Gastric Bypass. He was assured that he'd be happier with losing over 100lbs. He's not. He can't eat foods he used to enjoy. He had to stop working in his muffler and brake shop (which he owns) because he can't lift up what he used to.
    I'm trying to help him get strength back right now (which is working), but can still tell that he gasses out very easily still.

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I am getting ready to do a gastric bypass...I am dieting for years and I can't make it, so my doctors recommended the surgery and I was OK with it.
    BUT reading about it made me very scare...the liquid diet before the surgery, the liquid and puree diet after the surgery for months, I don't know if I can make it.
    Scare me the dumping, not to be able again to eat any sugar or not to drink and eat together (I choked otherwise)...I am scared
    Someone has an advice for me? I am very confuse, as they say here: not to eat less than 1200 calories, but after doing this surgery for months you need to eat so much I don't know.

    Gosh, it's hard to give advice on so little information, and I'm generally a fan of going against the advice of a medical professional.

    Why did your doctor suggest gastric bypass instead of something like the band or sleeve, which are less invasive and I believe care fewer side affects?

    I would echo an early suggestion to seek advice from those who have been through it. Who else would know what it was like?
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    A lot of people do not listen to the PROTEIN and Vitamin rules and can cause muscle loss and other issue, I get my blood work done every few months to ensure everything is going well and I am working on re increasing my protein and I work out with weights at the gym. I do notice when I stop working out my muscles get smaller but these are all things the doctor works with us to help ensure we keep on top of. Some also have other health issues that were made worse after for myself i do not regret it, it is a pain to take all my vitamins but hey not exactly the end of the world, I am willing to do that and try to work on myself, with my doctor monitoring me I feel confident I am in good hands. As you can see in my pics I am not tiny or unhealthy and I don't want to be any smaller, I just like being healthy and trying to work on the fit part of it. You just need to make sure you have a good support system and you are aware of the work that needs to go into this and ready to do it.