newbie and trying to make sense of BMR

de1amo Posts: 266 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
i have seen a dietician who did a computerized analysation of my measurements--
-one of them was a BMR of nearly 1700 -from what i understand this is a figure you have to add 500 to for general activity in a day--i am a teacher and therefore i am quite active--so adding 1700 to 500 i have a real rate of 2200 BMR.
On mfp i have a calorie allowance of 1200 that seems about right for my daily normal intake(i just avoid too much bread and sweet things-neither of which i have ever eaten in large amounts)-however i do heavy exercise in a gym about 4 to 5 times a week whch burns on average 900 calories each time-
so even more subtraction from the 2200BMR= 7 x 2200= 15400 per week --i am burning 3600 at the gym a week and consuming 8400 in food--thus 15400 plus 3600 = 19000 -8400 = 10600
--a pound of fat is 3500 calories of reduction therefore i should loose 3lbs a week or my BMR shut down!
İ have been loosing 3lbs a week regularly but recently i have noticed a slow down despite 'normal' eating and exercise--am i overdoing it and what should i do? Eat more which goes against my natural instincts or reduce my workouts?


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Depending on your weight...3 pounds per week is not soemthing the body will continue to do ....the closer you get to your goal weight the body will tend to level out

    Its recommended not to loose more than 2 pounds per week

    So even though you have been loosing 3 pounds per week in the past....the body is probably getting to a normal weight loss figure now.....
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i started out at the beginning of april and have lost 23lbs in 7 weeks- dieting folk have been constantly warning me that i will do damage to myself because i have been averaging about 1000 calories a day.
    My dimensions have reduced all round and i only feel i have fat left around my midrift--i am 47 --i have average muscle mass and dont seem to have lost much of it with the 23lbs--i feel very fit and healthy.
    The dietician has set me a target weight of 70kgs which is the same weight i was at 31--i wonder if its realistic and is the middleage spread a natural shape for men?-i am currently stuck around 75kgs which is a bmi of 24,5 for my height so in the healthy zone--but my waist is about 3pc oversized and above the safe rate!
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    Its probably realistic that weight loss will slow down from time to time. Perhaps you need to keep eating to fire up your metabolism -sometimes it slows down, becoming more efficient on less calories, so your weight loss will slow down. Keep up the exercise, building muscle and fuel yourself for that! Keep going. Have you measured your weight loss?
    Liz x
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i have lost 3 belt holes around my waist and still my shorts are struggling to stay up--looks like a new hole is necessary---i was straining these shorts by the end of last summer--my neck has visualy shrunk to a size 14 and a half--i think i was 16 or 17 before.
    i gained all my weight while i lived in the uk and didnt take steps to lose any-i now live in Turkey-it rumbled along for 4 years and eventually i got tired of making fun of myself with the kids at school. The school cook keeps trying to ply me with food because she thinks i have gone too far because she has only ever seen me big. i did notice the day after a cook's revenge meal that i actually lost a lb. İ couldnt eat for 16 hours after!--i want to speed my metabolism up and will feed it with good food. İ know drinking water and gaining muscle are ways-any other ideas??
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