need help with weightloss after Prendnisone

I am trying to get weight off and had some minor success but comes straight back on. Joined MFP a week ago so the app is helping.

Has anyone been on prendnisone and have any tips on being able to get rid of weight. I weighed 85kg when I had to go on a Prendnisone for IGA disease. I was on it for six months and was ok with the higher odses for the first two months, but when I dropped dosages to taper off over 4 months the weight came. The worst week I gained 7kg.

This is my fourth week of being on the Jenny Craig programme and working out three times a week and walking on the treadmill at home every other day. I eat between 1500 - 1700 alories a day after eating back what I have worked off. I dropped 2.5kg in the first week and nothing since. Not even 0.5kg lost at all.

Anyone had any experience or tips it sure would be appreciated. I have a family holiday coming up in 8 weeks to the States and really wanted to be 95kg from my current weight of 106kg.
