Converting from meat to vegetarian..Where/how to start?



  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    There have been some good suggestions above. Start by simply cutting down. Be prepared for some people to demean your choice. That comes with the territory unfortunately, but if it's something you want to do, and you can stick with it, good for you!

    I've been vegetarian for 1 year now, and am very happy with it. My diary isn't open, but if you would like to be friends, you can add me. I'll answer any questions and provide support. I also have a vegetarian board on pinterest if you want some recipe ideas. A lot of them are regular recipes that can easily be adapted to vegetarian by using meatless substitutes.

    ETA: for anyone, you don't have to have a pinterest to look at the board and recipes, just so you all know.