Serious Motivation&Tips Needed!

Hi all!

Here, I am back on MFP .... I was here a few years ago and didn't stick to it... I now weigh almost 40 lbs more than I did then :( ... I need some tips- I have such a haard time keeping motivated. I'd love to hear some quick fixes that have actually worked for you... I know I cant live off quick fixes, but I think that if I will be able to see some serious progress in the first couple weeks, that I will get the motivation I so desperately need.

I already cut out my biggest weaknesses chips and cocacola(which was the only liquid I consumed all day everyday, and replaced it with loads of water) basically no problem over a month ago .... I am staying at my 1200cal goal *almost everyday and just started brisk daily walks as well as a daily challenge (that lasts 30 days each) i.e Ab challenge, squat challenge etc. ... Ive seen no results.

I know I sound like such a downer, and I'm sorry- but I am... I am heavier than I ever thought I could be (Heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant!) ... And to really top it off, my husband and I finally got pregnant again in march, I started gaining lots of weight almost instantly with that and two weeks ago I lost the baby :( ... Now summer is almost here, and my plan of being cute and pregnant is down the drain... Now Im just fat and depressed...

Anything you can tell me that will help me see some instant results and get motivated would be more appreciated than you know.

Thanks so much!


  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I hate to tell you that there is no quick fix. It didn't happen over night and you won't fix it overnight. Make good choices each day! Find friends on here to support you and be a network for you........Stay house, all adds up and counts.
    Let me know if I can help you or be some motivation for you.

    Good Luck.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    If you try a quick fix, lose weight for a few weeks and then go back to normal diet/exercise habits, you might gain the weight back. Quick fixes aren't sustainable over the long term either. I think it's better to start off immediately with healthy, normal habits that you know you can maintain over the long term, even if it means losing the weight more slowly. You're less likely to regain the weight this way. There's a chance you might also be eating too few calories a day.

    I like to keep reminders around my house to motivate me. For example, my phone background has a Nike quote that says "Giving up is not an option." I have a list on my fridge of the consequences of eating junk or overeating. I keep a calendar app to cross off days I exercise, eat within my calorie goal, eat clean, etc. and it motivates me to maintain my streak. I imagine myself as a healthier person and give myself rewards (such as shopping trips for new clothes) whenever I get closer to my goal.

    Just be patient and eventually you'll see results. Make a list of reasons why you want/need to lose weight. Your profile says your husband is fit, so maybe he can help support you or even be your workout buddy.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I agree with the undereating. I was struggling to consume 1200 calories a day, and was not seeing any changes....I bumped it up to 1700 a day and wow it almost fell off. I lost over 6 pounds in a month.
  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    Girl, first off--it's okay!!!! You look beautiful, don't think that way!

    Second, the other person is right, it's not a quick fix. I suggest first finding something you LOVE that's physical--dance, boxing (for me), biking, running, sports, etc. Then when you make friends and like it, you'll WANT to go back.

    Start on here to stay motivated, we'll help! And without thinking it'll be habit. You'll get stronger, it'll seem easier, and you'll find healthy replacements for the stuff you love. May I suggest cane sugar coca cola once in a while? It tastes better and is easier on your body.

    Believe me, it is hard at first, so keep coming here, and just focus on the day by day not the end goal. Find what you love and the rest will come easy!

    I love you, you're beautiful and you can do this!

    xoxo Yasmin
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    I had the same issue as you with wanting to see progress quickly and had a fair few false starts. What finally got me over the hurdle was to

    1 - Stay off the scale. It's harder than most people think, but don't do it

    2 - Change your focus/reason or add an interim goal. I had close to 50lb to lose but what I was really lacking was discipline. For the first 2 months, my only goal was to get off my *kitten* and to the gym like clockwork, every morning, and be there for 1 hour. Didn't matter what I did, I was there. Once you've formed the habit then every other goal becomes realistic

    3 - Reward yourself!. Mini goals are excellent, more-so if you can rope your OH into it too! For every 5lbs I lost I would go see the movie at the cinema I wanted to see. For every 10lbs lost , my OH would but me flowers etc etc etc
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I want to say first off, i'm very sorry for your loss, that alone will lead to depression and is something that needs to be looked after emotionally (i've been there 3 times :( ) That should be something that you work on as well becfause alot of times we think that its all over when emotionally we never really dealt with it.

    As for weight loss take it day by day, and arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible. Keep in mind that it took a while to put the weight on and will take just as long to take it do it in a healthy way. Start by making small changes, clean out your cupboards or ask your husband to hide the food that you crave. Those small changes will lead to bigger changes.

    Each week make a small goal for yourself like for example "this week i am going to work on getting 8 glasses of water at least 5 days this week". Keep a calendar and mark them off when you do them, this way you can see what you have already accomplished and will be motivated more.
    Plan out your days if you can, i find this very helpful to stay on track but it can be tedious at the start. After a short time it gets so much better.

    Challenge yourself each an extra block of walking or do 20 jumping jacks, or stay in plank for 10 secs 5 times, all of those little things will make you want to do more. Don't be surprised if you don't see results right away, most people don't in fact most people don't see any results until week 3ish that is unless they have huge drastic changes. Remember that everyone's body is different and will react certain ways to different things.

    Tell your husband what you are doing and get him onboard, he can help with the planning especially of meals.

    Make a list of the goals you have and the reasons why. Once you know your reason why it will be easier to start, make sure that you are doing it because it is something YOU want not someone else.

    Take it hour by hour or day by day.....i have struggled with this for a while for weight loss and did so much yo yoing and this time around its different.....i had no choice to take it hour by hour and now i find it so much easier to keep going.
    Most importantly.....if you slip up on something that you didn't want to do don't beat yourself up about it, just pick yourself up and keep going.
    Add me if you wish, even if you just need someone to chat with more :)