Some Setbacks, New Goals in Mind

Hey there!

I've been enjoying using my fitness pal for a few weeks back in april when I weighed around 170 and wearing a comfortable size 12.

I'm just writing because I have stuff to get off my chest. Here are a few things:

1) The main reason I've stopped using MFP is because I was let go from my job on April 16th and my tracking hasn't been smooth since I did most of my tracking at work and can't DL the MFP app onto my phone.

2) Because of #1, I've been eating a lot more emotionally like crazy. For example, I bought two dozen glazed cruller donuts a few days ago last week (which were scarfed down in two days, yikes!) since they were on sale/had a coupon for them, blah, blah, blah (weak excuses). Today, I also inhaled a "big box" of junior mints (one of my trigger foods). I've also had some soda on and off, but surprisingly less than what I'd drunk in the past (I'd estimate two cans this past week).

3) After all this indulgent eating, I now weigh around 177 and a few of my jeans are starting to get tight, but not too bad. On top of this, I feel (pardon my french) very ****ty after eating like this. I've also let my exercising habits slip since my daily work routine has gone down the toilet. I do belong to the 30 squat challenge and have been trying to keep up with them too.

In light of all this, I think I've come up with adopting a new lifestyle. My boyfriend suggested that I should try a keto diet seeing as how I get very addicted to bad carbs and have adverse reactions to such foods. I've read some of Atkins's books and diet plans as well as success stories on Reddit and I'm ready to start at the beginning of next week if I plan on purging my place of carbs (via eating or tossing). I'm planning on not buying any carb-centered groceries after this weekend and have been buying keto foods like high-fat yogurt and slim jims in preparation. This is all a big change from me being vegan only a month ago. Since I find Reddit pretty inspirational, I am thinking of posting progress on there too (as well as MFP). Any suggestions for a newbie in this area?

This leads me to another conundrum. I currently live with my sister who eats carbs like they're going out of style. Pizza, soda, candy, you name it, she'll bring it home ( and in brown bags most of the time with some fast food meals late at night). I love my sister very much and want her to be healthy too. But I don't think it'll do anything to lecture her on her bad habits since she's a college junior and is, therefore, an adult and does what she wants. Although she has freedom in the legal sense, it pains me to see her put on weight. I could estimate that on her 5'5" frame, she wears size 16/18 jeans and weighs maybe 210 pounds. She hates trying on clothes and will sometimes lament on her circumstances, but her will to change doesn't last long. How can I talk to her and explain that I simply can't eat carbs anymore? Does anyone else live with a carbivore? Or have any suggestions?

Overall, it's been a very tough time for me, but I think I can pull through as long as I keep myself focused on my goals and what's more important in my life.

Thanks in advance for all your feedback! Namaste!