celeste15 Posts: 51
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I started this plan this past Sunday and I've lost about 2 pounds so far so it's working great for me. I am doing my best to stay within my daily calorie intake but I'm starving in between meals and the snacks I've chosen seem to be either too high in calories or protein. Of course on the days I can get in a workout, I can eat more but what about the days I don't get a chance to gain those extra calories?? I know they say sometimes the hunger may be nothing more than just a sign of thirst and to drink water but I'm downing 3 liters of water a day so that can't possibly be it. Any suggestions on low cal/protein snacks or just any ideas on how to keep from feeling deprived??:frown:


  • celeste15
    celeste15 Posts: 51
    I started this plan this past Sunday and I've lost about 2 pounds so far so it's working great for me. I am doing my best to stay within my daily calorie intake but I'm starving in between meals and the snacks I've chosen seem to be either too high in calories or protein. Of course on the days I can get in a workout, I can eat more but what about the days I don't get a chance to gain those extra calories?? I know they say sometimes the hunger may be nothing more than just a sign of thirst and to drink water but I'm downing 3 liters of water a day so that can't possibly be it. Any suggestions on low cal/protein snacks or just any ideas on how to keep from feeling deprived??:frown:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Oh good for you losing the two pounds! I think while our belly's shrink we do certainly feel a bit more hungry at least I did! So I feel your pain!

    Things that worked for me were fiber rich or protien snacks....a peice of fruit didn't always cut it alone so I'd add peanut butter to the mix or yogurt or even cottage cheese or low fat peice of cheddar and it would stretch it out for me.

    And...also try to eat right before you actually feel if you notice you have breakfast and around 11 you're starving...have a snack like apple w/ p&b around 10-10:30...and you'll make it to lunch eating little meals more frequently is amazing for your metabolism....

    one more thing that helps me is green tea....its good for your metabolism and can make the hunger go if its still not at bay after my protein/fiber snack....there's a great blueberry green tea that is sooo yummy!

    well best of luck!!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I started this plan this past Sunday and I've lost about 2 pounds so far so it's working great for me. I am doing my best to stay within my daily calorie intake but I'm starving in between meals and the snacks I've chosen seem to be either too high in calories or protein. Of course on the days I can get in a workout, I can eat more but what about the days I don't get a chance to gain those extra calories?? I know they say sometimes the hunger may be nothing more than just a sign of thirst and to drink water but I'm downing 3 liters of water a day so that can't possibly be it. Any suggestions on low cal/protein snacks or just any ideas on how to keep from feeling deprived??:frown:

    Your body will adjust, it can take a couple of weeks, in the mean time, try drinking water when you feel hungry, also, try shaving 100 calories off your large meals and bring a couple of lite snacks (pop corn, maybe some grapes, carrot sticks...etc) I bring 5 snacks with me a day to work, so I have, breakfast (usually a banana, a piece of whole wheat toast, and a danon lite smoothie yogurt), then I have 3 oz of cheese, 1 small bag of whole wheat pretzels, an apple, my lunch, a yogurt, a 7 oz baggie of carrots and sugar snap peas, and 1 6 oz v8. That brings me up to about 1400 calories for the day (my lunch is usually between 400 and 500 cals.), but shave 100 off lunch, and 1/2 the chees and your talking 175 calories left for an additional snack at night. I don't need to since I eat a 600 calorie meal at night and have another 200 calorie snack later (I need 2200 minimum, I'm 193 lbs and working out every day).
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Rather than just easting 3 large meals a day, I eat mini meals. I eat couple of hours so it feels like I am always eating! The calories end up being the same but I feel fuller. Also, there are some good snack choices that are low cal but taste like a treat. The chocolate jello pudding cups with no sugar added have become my favourite recently. They only have 60 cals and taste great!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I guess you just have to stick with it, your stomache will shink within a couple weeks. If you are really hungry just have light snacks like veggie sticks or a handful of low-cal crackers. Smaller meals throughout the day will work too, but I just don't have time to eat 6 small meals a day. I like to have 3 larger meals.... and I don't really ever eat snacks. It's only taken me 2 weeks to get to this place! :flowerforyou:
  • epeters
    epeters Posts: 2
    I felt the same way when I started until I found things that I could eat a lot of that were low in calories. You can nearly eat your weight in grapes and cucumbers w/o wasting hardly any calories! Try that for when you feel hungry and like evryone else said, the hunger part only lasts a week or two until your body adjusts to having less calories. Good luck!
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