
Hi! My name is Kye. I look forward to meeting new friends & exchanging weight loss secrets & tips. I've read a few success stories, I'm instantly the more motivated. My waistline was at 41 inches, now it is 35 1/2-36 inches. :happy:


  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, Welcome to MFP. A friend request has been sent.
    I am Yvette and I am 24 yrs old. I have battled being obese all my life. Losing weight and gaining it right back. I started at 227lbs and my current weight is 166 lbs. I am striving to meet my goal and lose the last 16 lbs but know that I have to continue this lifestyle forever if I don't want to ever return to the old me. I am on here a lot to keep myself motivated and give support and encourgement. Lets encourage and help one another on this weightloss and fitness journey to a healthier us.
    We can do this