Jumping back on the MFP wagon

lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
Hello everyone!!

I started using MFP full time back in May of 2012. I slowly started losing weight January of last year. Up until January I had lost 85lbs. I started at 247lbs and was down to 163lbs. Since then I have been bad and stopped counting my calories and eating everything I wanted to eat.....that caused a gain of about 15lbs. <shaking my head> I am back to work my *kitten* off and lose the rest of the weight I set out to lose. I started back up on Sunday and would love some new motivation in my life.

I'm going to be 35 this month and in the long run I want to be down to at least 145.....I'm tired of people telling me that I'll look too skinny at that weight. I hate to hear that I look great where I am. Well yeah I do compared to the 247 I was last year. But now that I gained weight I have about 30lbs to lose. I would love to be at that weight by September and I think I can with lots of dedication and not failing again. I would love to be at that weight when my husband comes back off the road....He's a long haul driver.

I have 2 kids.....9 (10 at the end of the month) and 5. With my husband gone that leaves me to be a single mom. My daughter has softball practice at least 2 times a week and sometimes 3. It has become difficult to sit and try to get some exercise in. Last year when my husband was home I would run at night around 9-10pm in my neighborhood or I would do Insanity at night.....or use my elliptical. I have a gym membership and would love to have someone be my buddy and force me to go. Anyone live in the Fairfield, Ca area that goes to In-Shape???

Sorry for the long post....I needed to get it all out and make it real. :)