Who's pushing for that last 10 pounds??

jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
I've lost about 20 (including the weight I didn't log in when I first set it up here at myfitnesspal) my goal is getting close but can't seem to be moving forward. I'm lacking for that last home run stretch!!! So here is like me, where you procrastinate and instead pushing forward, starting to gain it back slowly...??? :(

I just joined crossfit gym and I start this Sunday! I need friends to encourage, and to encourage back! Thanks!!


  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Omg are you my twin lol
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Phone playing up I'll send request!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    Omg are you my twin lol

    Are you the similar case as mine? Hehehe
  • Ashes1219
    Ashes1219 Posts: 2
    The last 10 are brutal and stubborn!! I lose a couple, gain a couple, very frustrating. Just started Paleo and hope that will be helpful - definitely can't cut any more calories and increasing exercise hasn't seemed to help either. I'm going crazy!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I've been pushing for that last ten for a while now. Work keeps getting in the way. I lost a lot of ground this last month due to being at site 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, which makes it hard to avoid eating fast food and almost impossible to work out. I'm going to get there though.
  • supergirlsu
    supergirlsu Posts: 68
    The last 10 are killing me too. So hard!!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    The last 10 are brutal and stubborn!! I lose a couple, gain a couple, very frustrating. Just started Paleo and hope that will be helpful - definitely can't cut any more calories and increasing exercise hasn't seemed to help either. I'm going crazy!

    I know I know!!! It's so darn frustrating!!! And even knowing that I'm close yet so far is even more frustrating!!! Arrrrrr lets do this!!!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been pushing for that last ten for a while now. Work keeps getting in the way. I lost a lot of ground this last month due to being at site 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, which makes it hard to avoid eating fast food and almost impossible to work out. I'm going to get there though.

    Yeah,, as long as you don't give up.. That's what I say all the time! I'm a mom and I have work and school too. S what I is to pack all my snacks and lunch before bed, so that it's ready in the morning for me. I seriously have no time in the morning to cater my son N myself so if I don't get packing at night, then it's nachos and burritos for me for lunch, which is like over 1400 cal alone!!!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    The last 10 are killing me too. So hard!!

    Yup!! The last ten are the worst!!!!!!!!! It's a monster, a beast!!!
  • SuperbeastAU
    SuperbeastAU Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, about 10 to go here too, but I'm committed to smashing them out!
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I've lost 50-50 pounds but I really want to lose a few more pounds and tone up... So frustrating. I''ve been working on this stubborn few pounds for MONTHS. It's true what they say, the last 10 are always the most difficult.
  • mink63
    mink63 Posts: 35
    I think we are in a similar boat. I started at 132 and my goal weight is 115. I have 9 stubborn pounds left! I'm 5'6. How tall are you?
  • danijoy07
    danijoy07 Posts: 11 Member
    Those last few are definitely tough. It's like my body is just in a really comfy place. I'm trying to do more HIIT and weight training and hoping that the extra push will help. Would love some new and supportive friends!
  • baneboy
    baneboy Posts: 65
    the last 10 r brutal, sometimes feels impossible, but we keep at it! would we rather feel sore or sorry 2morrow! love this group, iam kinda new to things like this! but reading what group members have 2 say is inspiring, lol, (getting ready for the gym rite now)
  • I only really have 10 pounds or so to lose, but OMFG I haven't moved a bit on the scale. However, the food and workouts are paying off with more definition in my abs and legs, and I figure if I can LOOK my goal weight without actually BEING there, I can be content with that.

    BTW, 5'3, 130 pounds.
  • J3ss1caD
    J3ss1caD Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like the EXACT same problem I'm having. I can't seem to shake the extra weight. Keep telling myself I need to lift.. now I just need to do it!!!
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    I'm in the same boat. These last 10 pounds have been brutal.
  • debstermorton
    debstermorton Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I feel I am in the same boat as you.....pushing for those last few pounds, fighting the few pounds that want to come back. Please tell me more info about you: What is your goal weight? How tall & what is your age?

    I like your ticker, how do I get one like that?
  • Renee4joy
    Renee4joy Posts: 36 Member
    I am in the same boat..I have been doing intense interval training and it seems to be slowly working..
  • cingroomer
    cingroomer Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on my last 10lbs too and crawling. I've lost 28 so far, and knew the last ones were the hardest. I'm trying different foods though, low calorie, to shock my system and get it out of the same routine of foods to see if that helps. I can't really increase my exercise so thats not an option. Trying not to get discourages, guess 1lb a week is better than none though.