Using nutrition with intermittent Fasting for fat loss

PcShed Posts: 84 Member
Hi everyone, I though I give my first update on my new venture. My main goal is to lose bodyfat and increase Lean Mass using nutrition mainly

I started on Friday 3rd May, preparing for the Fast. My stats are as followed:

Weight:111.7kg - 245.7lbs

Fat:28.7% 70.5lbs


Lean Mass:176.2lbs

After a final meal on Friday I startedmy fasting with a calorie controlled diet of 2500 calories per day, eating only 3 times a day at 1.00pm, 4.30pm and 8.00pm.

My nutrition breakdown per day is as followed:





I fast from 8.00pm to 1.00pm (16 hours) and have a 8 hour eating window.

I train in fasted stated at 12.00pm before my first meal. The training is intense for 45mins to 60 mins as I am carb depleting at the moment for carb load up on Saturday 11th May at 12.00pm.

I am using several techniques, fasting, low carb nutrition and carb loading. I am trying to get my body to use fat as source of energy and minimise lean mass loss at the same time.

I will be measuring ketones on Sat 11 may on my urine.

Here are my new stats as follwed after 5 days:

Bodyweight: 110.5kg 243.1 lbs

Bodyfat: 27.3% 66.3lbs

Lean Mass: 176.7 lbs

BMI: 32.3

So I have decrease total body weight by 2.6 lbs, decrease bodyfat by 4.2 lbs and gained 0.6 lbs in lean mass.

I have been drinking 8-10 litres of water per day ( makes you go to the toilet every 30 minutes)

My passed background in training was strength training and heavy weight training, eating 7 times a day and high calories with focused on protein. I gained good progress in the passed but slow in losing body fat hence I am trying this method which totally going against my past experience.

So there you are, let me know what you think.

Many thanks



  • Ipalavra
    Ipalavra Posts: 32
    It's too late for me to analyze the whole post, but I will tell you something you should abandon immediately:

    Training in a fasted state, it is a myth that it helps.

    Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards. You're body NEEDS carbs to burn fat! Lowering your carbs only helps to a certain point at which going lower inhibits your fat loss.

    Spread your meals out throughout your day. Go for 200g a carb a day, and eat carbs after a workout.

    Lipogenisis (converting of carbs to fat) is inhibited after a workout, even showing no difference between low/high GI. Your body uses those carbs to restore glycogen stores that were depleted through exercise.

    Stick to low GI carbs, high fiber, and don't overdue it. Remember, your body uses carbs to burn fat!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    It's too late for me to analyze the whole post, but I will tell you something you should abandon immediately:

    Training in a fasted state, it is a myth that it helps.

    Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards. You're body NEEDS carbs to burn fat! Lowering your carbs only helps to a certain point at which going lower inhibits your fat loss.

    Spread your meals out throughout your day. Go for 200g a carb a day, and eat carbs after a workout.

    Lipogenisis (converting of carbs to fat) is inhibited after a workout, even showing no difference between low/high GI. Your body uses those carbs to restore glycogen stores that were depleted through exercise.

    Stick to low GI carbs, high fiber, and don't overdue it. Remember, your body uses carbs to burn fat!

    hodgetwins are living proof that your research is flawed. They train fasted, do not eat breakfast, and wait at least 2 hours after a workout before they eat. Some of the videos are old, from when they first started doing IF over a year ago as it was new to them.

    Breakfast Speeds Up Metabolism

    FastingTwins: The Importance of Not Eating Postworkout!!!!!

    TMW: Energy While Intermittent Fasting Has Been Amazing

    Habits That Can Hinder or Stop Natural HGH

  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Actually research is showing that training fasted raises HGH level, and even more is showing that training either way there is minimal difference.
  • Ipalavra
    Ipalavra Posts: 32
    It's too late for me to analyze the whole post, but I will tell you something you should abandon immediately:

    Training in a fasted state, it is a myth that it helps.

    Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards. You're body NEEDS carbs to burn fat! Lowering your carbs only helps to a certain point at which going lower inhibits your fat loss.

    Spread your meals out throughout your day. Go for 200g a carb a day, and eat carbs after a workout.

    Lipogenisis (converting of carbs to fat) is inhibited after a workout, even showing no difference between low/high GI. Your body uses those carbs to restore glycogen stores that were depleted through exercise.

    Stick to low GI carbs, high fiber, and don't overdue it. Remember, your body uses carbs to burn fat!

    hodgetwins are living proof that your research is flawed. They train fasted, do not eat breakfast, and wait at least 2 hours after a workout before they eat. Some of the videos are old, from when they first started doing IF over a year ago as it was new to them.

    Breakfast Speeds Up Metabolism

    FastingTwins: The Importance of Not Eating Postworkout!!!!!

    TMW: Energy While Intermittent Fasting Has Been Amazing

    Habits That Can Hinder or Stop Natural HGH


    That would be considered anecdotal and not through scientific method. Sorry.

    But as for that HGH statement, I will definitely be looking into that, thank you!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    It's too late for me to analyze the whole post, but I will tell you something you should abandon immediately:

    Training in a fasted state, it is a myth that it helps.

    Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards. You're body NEEDS carbs to burn fat! Lowering your carbs only helps to a certain point at which going lower inhibits your fat loss.

    Spread your meals out throughout your day. Go for 200g a carb a day, and eat carbs after a workout.

    Lipogenisis (converting of carbs to fat) is inhibited after a workout, even showing no difference between low/high GI. Your body uses those carbs to restore glycogen stores that were depleted through exercise.

    Stick to low GI carbs, high fiber, and don't overdue it. Remember, your body uses carbs to burn fat!

    hodgetwins are living proof that your research is flawed. They train fasted, do not eat breakfast, and wait at least 2 hours after a workout before they eat. Some of the videos are old, from when they first started doing IF over a year ago as it was new to them.

    Breakfast Speeds Up Metabolism

    FastingTwins: The Importance of Not Eating Postworkout!!!!!

    TMW: Energy While Intermittent Fasting Has Been Amazing

    Habits That Can Hinder or Stop Natural HGH


    That would be considered anecdotal and not through scientific method. Sorry.

    But as for that HGH statement, I will definitely be looking into that, thank you!

    Okay, but I provided way more then what you did. You probably don't know those guys but they started off eating 5 or 6 meals a day and switched over to IF because of all the science they found to back up that type of eating style. You are under the assumption that you have to eat 5 times a day to maintain good energy levels. That's not how your body works and not what the IF research shows. Lets get some basic biology out of the way so maybe we can agree on something. Can we agree that your muscles and liver store your carbs? If we can agree on that bit of information then ask yourself this question. Why does it matter if you ate your macro carb content 24 hours before a workout or 3 hours before a workout? What happens to the carbs you ate 24 hours ago that changed right before a workout to decrease your energy levels? The carbs you ate 24 hours ago that got stored in your liver and muscle just vanished?

    There's another biology fact that maybe we can agree on. Can we agree that when you eat carbs, your body floods with insulin? The theory is that every time you ingest food, the insulin spike causes you to be tired.

    FASTFUELXXX Posts: 89 Member
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member

    What the what?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Actually that is a good point.

    His eating window only adds up to 7 hours rather than 8 on the timings he has given. He is doing 17:7 rather than 18:6.

    Personally my eating window is 0:24 ;)
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member

    My passed background in training was strength training and heavy weight training, eating 7 times a day and high calories with focused on protein. I gained good progress in the passed but slow in losing body fat hence I am trying this method which totally going against my past experience.

    Well it's not surprising you struggled to lose body fat if your calories were not low enough.

    If you want to intermittent fast because it suits your daily lifestyle then fine but you are not going to get any significant benefits over a traditional eating pattern. Exercise induced increases in HGH have been shown to basically irrelevant ( (and using the hodgetwins as debating material is just a strawman argument, I could find you 1000's other people who are bigger and more ripped than those 2 who don't intermittent fast so that really proves nothing).

    Everything you are considering is really not necessary for results especially at over 25% body fat, you could get great results with a simple calorie deficit but if it suits you then go for it.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    U WOT M8?
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Hi Sergio! Congrats on making the shift to the most natural and instinctive way to eat train and live..IF!!
    Some recommendations for you....Macros are NOT that important as overall calories but I would lower your protein and
    bring up your carbs!! You are gonna be training hard...I also have learned to vary my calories daily and weekly..
    so one day 1800 calls next 2800 following 2400 etc.. this was huge for me and I still practice this method. Also play with your fasting window...NOW pay attention here cause this is how I lost 20 pounds of blubber!!:) on some days Im just not that hungry so I fast for nearly 20 hours..on other days I fast for 18, 16 etc. I love IF the lean gains method etc. and if you have any questions on more specifics and dirty tricks contact me!! you are gonna look incredible my friend!!
    Best ,
    Kristian Rocco nyc
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards.

    Care to provide those studies?

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards.

    Care to provide those studies?

    This relates to the effect insulin has on fat metabolism and anytime we consume a meal, stored fatty acids are spared in lieu of glucose for any ATP and some glycogen........ Basically were using that immediate ATP from the pre meal for energy for the workout and of course the studies are showing the effect on fat metabolism after the workout and after that post workout meal was consumed, so of course when were sedentary post workout and have eaten, fat metabolism is impeded at that time. What this doesn't take into account is, it's the total daily nutrient intake that dictates fat loss or gain. Semantics. Basically being in a fed state blunts fat oxidation.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    if training fasted, increases your performance do that.

    if training fed, increases your performance do that.

    Not really worth worrying about minute details of fat oxidation IMO unless you are looking to step on stage.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    if training fasted, increases your performance do that.

    if training fed, increases your performance do that.

    Not really worth worrying about minute details of fat oxidation IMO unless you are looking to step on stage.

  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member

    This relates to the effect insulin has on fat metabolism and anytime we consume a meal, stored fatty acids are spared in lieu of glucose for any ATP and some glycogen........ Basically were using that immediate ATP from the pre meal for energy for the workout and of course the studies are showing the effect on fat metabolism after the workout and after that post workout meal was consumed, so of course when were sedentary post workout and have eaten, fat metabolism is impeded at that time. What this doesn't take into account is, it's the total daily nutrient intake that dictates fat loss or gain. Semantics. Basically being in a fed state blunts fat oxidation.

    In laymen turns, everything you said means that eating before a workout slows down the fat burning process.

  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    I wouldn't low carb because it will affect your training performance. The idea of carb loading is nice, but it is difficult to determine just how many carbs to eat and most people screw this up, resulting in either spillover into fat or not getting enough to sustain your training. Keep it simple. If anything, low carb on rest days. But focusing on a Plain Jane calorie deficit should be your priority.
  • mmctaw
    mmctaw Posts: 30 Member
    Actually research is showing that training fasted raises HGH level, and even more is showing that training either way there is minimal difference.

    ^^What he said. Also, see
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    4.2 pounds of fat in 5 days?
    Good job on the weight loss but that's not even possible.