Do well for a while then sabotage with BINGE EATING



  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I was like this. Now im back on track for the last 3 days and Im not going to binge (I had 3 cookies earlier and thats it) I set myself a goal of if I lose 7lbs I get new make up, another 7lbs and I get some make up brushes iv been after for ages. So Im rewarding myself for sticking to my goals and not going crazy! maybe make a goal of no binging for a week or a certain time and you get a treat?
  • Liz71459
    Liz71459 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the same issue. i know mine is emotional eating. It is a very hard habit to break. I am still struggling with it. I have a large appetite so cutting back on calories is a real challenge for me. Keep trying. Never give up.
  • capslockid
    capslockid Posts: 13 Member
    Yesterday I was in tears about exactly this and feeling like there really MUST be something wrong with me but now I have read this(and I know it sounds cliche) but It's really good to know I'm not the only one. I've been doing this for about a year now and I feel like I'm in this constant cycle of doing well for a few days and then bingeing in a big way. I'll even eat in secret so my family can't comment on how much I'm eating - ultimately that would just make me want to eat more! I don't crave anything in particular, just whatever is there to eat - sweets, biscuits, crips, toast, ice-cream, cereal, but as soon as I start it takes me a day or two to stop and start the healthy eating again!
    Being fairly new to MFP I was really proud to post up that I had lost 8lb - then this weekend I managed to gain 4lb back again. I know this will come off fairly quickly but to me that's not the point. I don't starve myself when I'm 'dieting' it's just because it's 'there' that I eat it.

    Ok - so moan over (sorry) I'm determined that I will not do this to myself anymore. If any of you fancy adding me, maybe we could help each other out if we ever feel the urge to binge again....
  • snpynut
    snpynut Posts: 3 Member
    Been there done that. Mexican Food is my downfall. Just crawl right back up on that horse when you fall off and ride on!!:frown:
  • workavoidance
    Binge eating gets progressively worse. You should look into OA. It's very focused on treated binge eating, and it's very helpful. This is not something that's easy to just get over through sheer willpower in your own. Having some support and the insight of others is SOOOOO helpful. Without meaningful intervention, this behavior is likely to just keep coming back again and again.

    The biggest thing for me has been taking it out of the realm of a food issue or a body image issue, and realizing it's more of a whole person issue, and that more than anything I need learn how to just cope with life better-- then the food stuff sort of corrects itself.
  • morgo20
    morgo20 Posts: 68 Member
    I used to binge when I'd eaten one bad thing then I'd just think, f it, I'm going to eat EVERYTHING. I'm better now though. I always remember reading something that said, if you overspent you wouldn't just go and empty your whole bank account. It's that kind of attitude - just because you've eaten a bit too much doesn't mean you should binge but know that you can limit the damage by being healthy again. Far easier said than done though!

    This is the story of my life!!!! I am an all or nothing eater, i Can do soooo well, and then all of a sudden it is like i eat one bad thing and i think ive blown the whole thing so i eat so much till i can barely move.. worst ever!!! Love the quote!