


  • Linybean
    Linybean Posts: 25 Member
    I am lactose intolerant, so I eat fat-free dairy products. I have found nothing puts weight on me faster (or upsets my stomach more) than full-fat dairy. You can find people to argue both sides, but I believe dairy is an important part of your diet because it's high in protein and calcium and usually contains Vitamin D. All of those things are important, but especially so for women! Use your own good judgement...your body will tell you what works. Good luck to you!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Calories from dairy won't cause weight gain any more or less than calories from anything else. I'm vegetarian and I also have to avoid wheat, so I get a LOT of my protein from a variety of dairy products.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am lactose intolerant, so I eat fat-free dairy products.
    Lactose is sugar. Fat free dairy contains lactise. That makes no sense.

    To the breast-feeder: Breast feeding burns a lot of calories. I doubt dairy was your issue.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    It's absolutely fine to eat dairy if it doesn't cause you tummy problems. Low fat is fine because the type of fat in dairy is often saturated fat, considered a 'bad' fat. The 'good' fats are found more in vegetable and fish oils.

    Mainstream dietetics and nutritional science considers dairy an important part of a healthy diet. Those with lactose intolerance or IBS can choose lactose free products or other alternatives.
  • wigglingalltheway
    Calories from dairy won't cause weight gain any more or less than calories from anything else. I'm vegetarian and I also have to avoid wheat, so I get a LOT of my protein from a variety of dairy products.

    Not to start a flame war but strictly speaking cals from dairy will cause less gain than cals from many other sources because they are low in sugars. Why they might be fattening is because they are calorie dense and such people eat more cals from them than they believe they are. I.e. a nice nibble can be 100 cals. doesn't take many nibbles to make a full meals worth of cals! but 100 cals of cheese is say less fattening than 100 cals of bread for instance.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm in the dairy is bad for you band wagon.
    Cows milk is formulated for a growing baby calf. Basically we're drinking breast milk from another species after we've been weened off our own.

    To me makes no sense.

    Not trying to start an argument. I don't eat dairy and I've seen a little weight some off, my skin improved and so did my joint pain as well my chronic headaches.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    If dairy doesn't give you digestive problems, eat it. It's a great source of all sorts of nutrients. It will certainly NOT hinder your weight loss; numerous studies have shown that dairy consumption is associated with lower body weight. There is a lot of hysteria perpetrated by various proponents of elimination diets that is both irresponsible and uninformed.

    As to whether you should eat full fat or skim/reduced fat dairy, it depends on your macronutrient needs. I eat fat-free dairy when I want to eat something else that's fatty, but otherwise I prefer full fat because it just tastes better to me.
  • wigglingalltheway
    If dairy doesn't give you digestive problems, eat it. It's a great source of all sorts of nutrients. It will certainly NOT hinder your weight loss; numerous studies have shown that dairy consumption is associated with lower body weight. There is a lot of hysteria perpetrated by various proponents of elimination diets that is both irresponsible and uninformed.

    As to whether you should eat full fat or skim/reduced fat dairy, it depends on your macronutrient needs. I eat fat-free dairy when I want to eat something else that's fatty, but otherwise I prefer full fat because it just tastes better to me.

    I think thats a key thing we all need to experiment and see what works for you.

    for me losing the notion that fat and sat fat was somehow bad has transformed by life and health. For others this may not be the case and the opposite may be true. Some research fields claim it can be dictated by blood type i.e. O = high fat A = more grain based. I remain unconvinced that its that simple...
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm in the dairy is bad for you band wagon.
    Cows milk is formulated for a growing baby calf. Basically we're drinking breast milk from another species after we've been weened off our own.

    To me makes no sense.

    Not trying to start an argument. I don't eat dairy and I've seen a little weight some off, my skin improved and so did my joint pain as well my chronic headaches.
    I agree with this to a point, but I also still consume some dairy. I haven't been able to give it up completely, and I say to each his own. If you don't have an allergy or are lactose intolerant, go ahead and stick with it; it's not going to hinder your weight loss.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I completely cut out dairy from my diet a few months ago because I was trying to figure out if it was causing me stomach pain. I also cut out grains too. I no longer drink milk (I drink almond milk and just don't miss cow's milk at all) but I'm slowly eating cheese again. Only in small amounts though, I will sprinkle some on my eggs here and there. Or if I'm really hungry for something but don't have a lot of time I will grab a few slices of cheese and just eat them quick, it usually fills me up fine because of the fat. Speaking of fat- If I WERE to eat full-on dairy, I would not buy low-fat or no-fat. Fat is good for you, and you're missing out on a ton of nutrients by buying low-fat. It's all a personal preference in the long run, but if I did go back to drinking milk, I would not cheat myself by getting 2%. I also think that fat-free or low-fat yogurt is one of the most disgusting things I've ever tried. Fat all the way! I've also been curious to try raw milk, but it's illegal in the state of NY unless you buy it directly from a farmer.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Calories from dairy won't cause weight gain any more or less than calories from anything else. I'm vegetarian and I also have to avoid wheat, so I get a LOT of my protein from a variety of dairy products.

    Not to start a flame war but strictly speaking cals from dairy will cause less gain than cals from many other sources because they are low in sugars. Why they might be fattening is because they are calorie dense and such people eat more cals from them than they believe they are. I.e. a nice nibble can be 100 cals. doesn't take many nibbles to make a full meals worth of cals! but 100 cals of cheese is say less fattening than 100 cals of bread for instance.

    Nope. You just contradicted yourself. They are more fattening because people eat more of them? 100 calories = 100 calories.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I'm in the dairy is bad for you band wagon.
    Cows milk is formulated for a growing baby calf. Basically we're drinking breast milk from another species after we've been weened off our own.

    To me makes no sense.

    Not trying to start an argument. I don't eat dairy and I've seen a little weight some off, my skin improved and so did my joint pain as well my chronic headaches.
    Growing baby calf grow because their babies and that's what they do, the milk is for the broad range of nutrients when their not eating much of anything else, but what puts on the fat and makes them come to market very quickly is grain.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    If dairy doesn't give you digestive problems, eat it. It's a great source of all sorts of nutrients. It will certainly NOT hinder your weight loss; numerous studies have shown that dairy consumption is associated with lower body weight. There is a lot of hysteria perpetrated by various proponents of elimination diets that is both irresponsible and uninformed.

    As to whether you should eat full fat or skim/reduced fat dairy, it depends on your macronutrient needs. I eat fat-free dairy when I want to eat something else that's fatty, but otherwise I prefer full fat because it just tastes better to me.

    I think thats a key thing we all need to experiment and see what works for you.

    for me losing the notion that fat and sat fat was somehow bad has transformed by life and health. For others this may not be the case and the opposite may be true. Some research fields claim it can be dictated by blood type i.e. O = high fat A = more grain based. I remain unconvinced that its that simple...
    I'm interested to know how a blood group antigen can be associated with how the body handles lipids. Can you please post a source for the research you mentioned?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The only thing that would be hindering your weight loss is if you go over your caloric limits for the day. So unless your entire diet is composed of dairy and you're eating 3000 cals a day of it without exercise, no, dairy is not going to negatively affect your weight loss.
  • wigglingalltheway
    Calories from dairy won't cause weight gain any more or less than calories from anything else. I'm vegetarian and I also have to avoid wheat, so I get a LOT of my protein from a variety of dairy products.

    Not to start a flame war but strictly speaking cals from dairy will cause less gain than cals from many other sources because they are low in sugars. Why they might be fattening is because they are calorie dense and such people eat more cals from them than they believe they are. I.e. a nice nibble can be 100 cals. doesn't take many nibbles to make a full meals worth of cals! but 100 cals of cheese is say less fattening than 100 cals of bread for instance.

    Nope. You just contradicted yourself. They are more fattening because people eat more of them? 100 calories = 100 calories.

    No contradiction. 100 calories of dairy COULD be considered more fattening in an unmeasured way because its calorie dense and we unintentionally eat more than we think we are. But.... if you eat 100 cals of cheese it is less fattening than eating 100 cals of chocolate, or bread, or rice or wheat for instance. Look up how the body reacts to different food types and you will understand that 100 calories does not = 100 calories when it comes to the way the body uses those cals. Its all controlled by blood sugar and insulin. Dairy is generally low in carbohydrates so no blood sugar changes thus no insulin which means no storage. If you eat 100 cals of say refined carbs your blood sugar rises, insulin is put into the blood and excess is stored as fat in the cells. This is why calories are not created equal and its important that people understand this.
  • wigglingalltheway
    have a Google for the blood type diet. As I say I am in no way championing it just a talking point.

    I think the premise is that O and variants are thinner and older and prefer a fat rich diet where as A is thicker and likes a grain based one.

  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Most people have at least a minor allergy to cow's milk. If you notice your throat feels a little phlemy after eating dairy, that is a minor allergy. If it doesn't bother you, you can probably continue consuming it just fine. I think fat is better than no fat - keeps you satisfied longer and typical American low-cal diet doesn't have a balanced amount of fat in it.

    If you find you have a bothersome allergy - then cut it out. I had to cut out dairy when breastfeeding because my baby had an intolerance. I lost some bloat and had perfectly clear skin when cutting out dairy. I should cut it out permanetly but have a yogurt almost every day. <slinks off in hypocritcal dispair>
  • wigglingalltheway
    Oddly enough I have been promising myself an experiment of cutting it out for a few weeks soon to see if I feel any difference. Think ill try it next week once I have exhausted what's in the fridge.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member

    Not to start a flame war

    Always mean "I'm going to start a flame war get ready". lol
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    have a Google for the blood type diet. As I say I am in no way championing it just a talking point.

    I think the premise is that O and variants are thinner and older and prefer a fat rich diet where as A is thicker and likes a grain based one.

    I thought that was what you were suggesting but wanted to clarify. No offence but the blood type diet is pseudoscience. Type O is not actually the ancestral blood type as the book suggests, so the whole idea is based on a myth. If I remember rightly, type A occurred first in our evolution, I don't know how some of these authors get away with the rubbish they write.