How Much Should I Eat??



  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    You should get a trainer to learn the basics in my opinion since you have no clue where to start. But you can learn a lot online. Try the Stronglifts 5x5 if you don't want to go with a trainer! :happy:

    ETA: What kind of cardio do you do?
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    Cardio (aka running, biking, swimming, all involves and will build muscle) ... Weight lifting will also build muscle, and muscle burns more calories a day, so you are actually looking for muscle regardless of what kind of exercise you are doing.

    Under feeding yourself does not make the weight loss process any easier, its a slow race, not a sprint.

    THIS! Running or swimming!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I love the cardio side but I barely do weights or strength. I don't really know how to start or what to do??? Do you guys have any beginner strength workouts to build muscle????

    Edit: my reading comprehension sucks.

    You're 20, get in the gym and move weights. Work out the details later.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thanks so much everyone! I'm gonna up my intake to 2000!!!!

    I love the cardio side but I barely do weights or strength. I don't really know how to start or what to do??? Do you guys have any beginner strength workouts to build muscle????

    Thanks :)

    2000 calories is still going to be too little. It should be more like 2800 or close to that.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Skinny Fat is some made up body type for people that are out shape like to use to explain why they have no mass on their arms and a spare tire ... Cardio (aka running, biking, swimming, all involves and will build muscle) ... Weight lifting will also build muscle, and muscle burns more calories a day, so you are actually looking for muscle regardless of what kind of exercise you are doing.

    and 2000 Calories is fine, i Eat above 3200 a day, on a good day I can take in close to 4000 and still maintain my weight. Under feeding yourself does not make the weight loss process any easier, its a slow race, not a sprint.

    I would challenge you on the fact running builds muscle (swimming and biking I can see based on resistance), but long distance running or even short distance running - if done in a steady state - will not build muscle. Even HIIT does not build muscle, but it will provide your body the ability to maintain lean body mass and has a great EPOC effect.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Skinny Fat is some made up body type for people that are out shape like to use to explain why they have no mass on their arms and a spare tire ... Cardio (aka running, biking, swimming, all involves and will build muscle) ... Weight lifting will also build muscle, and muscle burns more calories a day, so you are actually looking for muscle regardless of what kind of exercise you are doing.

    and 2000 Calories is fine, i Eat above 3200 a day, on a good day I can take in close to 4000 and still maintain my weight. Under feeding yourself does not make the weight loss process any easier, its a slow race, not a sprint.

    I would challenge you on the fact running builds muscle (swimming and biking I can see based on resistance), but long distance running or even short distance running - if done in a steady state - will not build muscle. Even HIIT does not build muscle, but it will provide your body the ability to maintain lean body mass and has a great EPOC effect.

    Running certainly built muscle in my calves and thighs for the first few months when I started last year. If you're already a runner then it won't, but if you start doing something new, your body will adapt to what you're doing.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Eat MORE, SMASH all the things! Use that testosterone, you are young...i wish I had known when I was younger to LIFT

    you will not get huge... it takes years...but you WILL like your body more.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Running is not going to build muscle. Maybe some in your quads. I have to lift to maintain any muscle when training for endurance. You are young, start lifting now. Eat more now. Don't start dieting at the age you are and then wonder why nothing worked long term. Don't lose the lean body mass you already have by under eating. It's really hard to get it back.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Skinny Fat is some made up body type for people that are out shape like to use to explain why they have no mass on their arms and a spare tire ... Cardio (aka running, biking, swimming, all involves and will build muscle) ... Weight lifting will also build muscle, and muscle burns more calories a day, so you are actually looking for muscle regardless of what kind of exercise you are doing.

    and 2000 Calories is fine, i Eat above 3200 a day, on a good day I can take in close to 4000 and still maintain my weight. Under feeding yourself does not make the weight loss process any easier, its a slow race, not a sprint.

    I would challenge you on the fact running builds muscle (swimming and biking I can see based on resistance), but long distance running or even short distance running - if done in a steady state - will not build muscle. Even HIIT does not build muscle, but it will provide your body the ability to maintain lean body mass and has a great EPOC effect.

    Running certainly built muscle in my calves and thighs for the first few months when I started last year. If you're already a runner then it won't, but if you start doing something new, your body will adapt to what you're doing.

    I think you are confusing increasing strength and fat loss (more definition) with new lean body mass (muscle growth)... I would suggest it's almost impossible to gain new lean body mass in your legs from running. Even if you were in an anabolic metabolic state, I would think it's almost impossible.