Uugghh...so disappointed in myself...

This morning I feel just like Charlie Brown trying to kick that stupid football. He knows Lucy is going to move it at the last second and send him flying through the air, landing on his backside. After finally breaking through that notorious 200 barrier and staying below it for a week, I wake up this morning, on my official weigh in day and find that I have GAINED 4 lbs. I'm back at 201. I don't know if I am more frustrated or disappointed in myself. I have been exercising like crazy, btwn getting to work 1 1/2 hour earlier to walk the treadmill and weight lifting, Coaching 2-4 ballgames a week, and working out with my wife at home, now it all seems point less. Yea I went out for lunch yesterday for the first time in a week, maybe I shouldn't have gone to Pizza Hut, but I thought that with the extra cals and stuff from my work out yesterday it would have been ok....UUUGGGGHHHH.....I so want to meet my Goal Weight I haven't seen the 180's in nearly 15 years now. I find myself wondering if its even possible to make it and stay in the "ONE"-der land. I am so disappointed I didn't even workout today...


  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    Pizza always makes my scales climb the day after eating it. The high sodium is the culprit. Give it a few days and drink lots of water and you'll be back in onederland in no time.

    Also, try not to let the scales rule your life and emotions too much. I know its hard, just keep on sticking to your plan and trust the process.
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    Ok first off stop beating yourself up. Everyone has set backs but beating yourself up will only make it worse. I too had a bad day thanks to pizza hut yesterday too. I told myself well at least I worked out today which before I would go over the top and not workout. Your 4 pound gain was more than likely water weight from the sodium induced pizza, gaining muscle from your workouts too. As long as you keep stepping forward your already a success. Keep doing what your doing and don't let this bump derail your path. Keep your head up and good luck to you.
    RAVEOFLIGHT Posts: 11
    You did all the right things persistently and you had one little indulgence once. Give yourself a break and a pat on the back.

    You should be so proud of yourself. Pizza Hut will always be there to tempt you, and there's nothing wrong in indulging yourself, once in a while.

    If you consider that you're taking care of your health for life, then you must be prepared to lapse, once in a while. That's called being human.

    Next time, instead of having negative emotions about indulging in a not so healthy meal, why don't you thoroughly enjoy every morsel of pizza as a treat, knowing you'll work out the next day and go back to your healthy eating?

    Let go of the weight of the guilt and see the pounds coming off...

    All the best to you!
  • Jarredgautreaux
    Jarredgautreaux Posts: 14 Member
    Don’t let the scale get you down. My scale hasn’t moved in 3 weeks, but this week I moved down one more notch in my belt. The scale can drive you crazy if you concentrate on it too much, remember the scale just gives you your weight it doesn’t tell you how healthy you are.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Pizza always makes my scales climb the day after eating it. The high sodium is the culprit. Give it a few days and drink lots of water and you'll be back in onederland in no time.

    Also, try not to let the scales rule your life and emotions too much. I know its hard, just keep on sticking to your plan and trust the process.

    This. Never weigh in the day after Pizza.
  • Jen777Hen
    Jen777Hen Posts: 7 Member
    The scale isn't always the best indicator on how you are doing. How about your measurments or how your clothes fit? Those are better assessment tools than the scale. The scale is only one indication of how you are doing. One post was right in the sodium and water weight. Just keep up the good work and don't be a hater on pizza. Sometimes we just need a piece of pizza!
  • CarolsLife66
    CarolsLife66 Posts: 14 Member
    I too continually beat myself up. I have started and stopped MFP several times, and I have learned one thing. I don't just quit small. I go all out! When I quit tracking, I start eating-everything! 4 or 5 cakes a day, regular soda, chips, pizza, fried foods, you name it. I also quit my water intake and exercise. That is why I have to develop a lifestyle change, and not just say I am on a diet. I have been trying to get off of my blood pressure meds, and when I was sticking to this a couple of months ago I was off of them. But then I quit, and guess what-I had to start taking the meds again. I haven't had to take them in about a week now, and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I know that with help, I can do this. I am 46 and there is no better time than now to get healthy. Feel free to add me for motivation. We can help each other stay on track.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    It's not actual weight gain..it's the pizza taunting you. You seem to be doing great! Especially since you stayed under 200 for a full week. Drink some extra water for a few days and that weight will fall right off.
  • mehern59
    mehern59 Posts: 1
    Sending you positive vibes....Get back on track, keep logging your food and exercise. Stay off the scale until next week. You can do this.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    This is the wrong forum for this.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    how tall are you?

    i hope you don't weigh in every day.

    weight loss is not linear. you will go up and down over and over.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    Sodium sodium sodium in the pizza - easy fix, drink a bunch of water and get rid of it! You are doing fantastic - don't let Pizza Hut derail your efforts!
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    [/quote]This is the wrong forum for this[/quote]

    Well maybe so, but if your upset and posted in the "wrong" forum, you would appreciate the support from others more than someone pointing out the fact you posted in the wrong area. Remember the golden rule? :)
  • sherlockim
    sherlockim Posts: 2
    I am going through the same thing. Scale jumping up in lbs all of a sudden. Mood affects weight loss. Don't let it get you down. That extra weight might just be water retention. Drink a gallon or more of distilled water to help expel the extra water waste. There might also be some undigested food still making its ways through your system. Integrate a quick cleanse to help purge your system and give it a reboot. You are doing good. Keeping positive will do a lot more than focusing on the negative.
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