I hate exercising but I know I NEED to

I can never find the motivation to workout. About a year ago I had joined a gym and lost about 30 pounds between exercising and a healthy diet. I ended up moving across country and gained it all back. I have been on track of my diet for about two months now but I'm struggling with exercise. I try to do home things but I can never the motivation to actually do them or I stop in the middle. My husband is in the military so we have free access to gyms but I am intimidated to go and workout with all the army guys.

I've always wanted to be a runner but I don't know where to start. I do those 1 minute run 1 minute walk but I always get discouraged about 1 week in and quit because I struggle so much with it.

So I am really looking for someone who also hates working out but what helped them get started and for some motivation and tips.


  • bonjovi27
    bonjovi27 Posts: 144 Member
    Do something fun! It's doesn't have to be a "work out". Get a hula hoop and use it while watching tv! And of you really want to run, try c25k. It starts you off gently and has you running 5k in 8-9 weeks!
  • hammomh
    hammomh Posts: 43 Member
    If you want to run, why don't you enter yourself into a 5k race in 12 weeks time or so?

    You then have to train as you know the date is looming, tell everyone you know you have entered to stop you from backing out :)

    Hopefully, when you then try to go out and train, you will not want to stop and quit as you know you have this date of a race coming up!

    Good Luck
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    If you want to run, and you want fun, look no further than the Zombies, Run! app.

    You're welcome.
  • LoraMora
    LoraMora Posts: 41 Member
    Start running for 5 minutes a day, only (outside if possible)

    Run/walk as needed until you can run for 5. Set up the habit.

    That's it.

    When you can run a full 5 minutes, your body will ask for 6 then 7.

    In no time you will be able to run 5 miles.

    The time passes much faster outside than on a treadmill.
  • Ladyjhawk
    Ladyjhawk Posts: 1
    Can't beat aqua aerobics! Great, low impact cardio and strength workouts! I am getting ready to go to my class right now!:smile:
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    If you are looking to run..please do yourself a favor and look into running shoes (fitted for you). They cost as much as a pair in a sporting goods store.. I learned the hard way and had to slow down my runs because of a injury.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    what keep me on track with my exercise was seeing my brother who is 7 yrs older than me, so very ill due to his lifestyle, he can now hardly walk and shakes so badly you can hard get food and drink into himself, he is 52 :(((((

    I don't want to endup like him in 7 yrs time

    "I workout, because I can. When I get tired, or I am short on time, or I want to quit...I think about how lucky I am to be healthy enough to workout daily. Be grateful for your health and your ability to become STRONGER. Don't ever take it for granted!"

    "If you did have a million-dollar racehorse, would you let him stay up half the night drinking coffee and booze, smoking cigarettes and eating junk food?" "Would you treat your 10-dollar dog or your 5-dollar cat that way? What about your billion-dollar body?"

    anyone can add me
  • RunEatLift
    RunEatLift Posts: 68
    There's a whole bunch of exercises you could try - you don't have to run if you don't enjoy it.
    Powerwalk, cycle, zumba, pilates, yoga, lift weights, use the elliptical, go swimming. Try group classes and try working out on your own. Try at-home workouts like p90x or Insanity. Don't limit yourself to just one thing :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When you start running, you really need to be patient with yourself. If you're really worn out after doing sprint work like that, try slowing down your pace and going for longer than a minute. I know most people are all about speed when they start to run but you really should try to work on distance first, and then try to increase your speed. A good way to slow yourself down is to keep your feet under you and make sure you're striking mid foot. Also count your steps so they line up with your breathing - 2 or 3 footfalls as you inhale, 2 or 3 footfalls as you exhale.

    And as someone else mentioned, the right footwear can make the diference. If you're wearing cross trainers or walking shoes or runners not designed for your specific needs, it's going to throw off your gait and could be part of the reason why you're tired and may lead to injury.

    You also need to make sure you're well hydrated and that you eat right to support the increased activity. Running is tough on the body so you need to make sure you fuel it right in order to get the results you want.

    Best of luck!
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I so needed this thread. I also can't stand working out. There isn't a single exercise that I see as "fun" aside from swimming and I don't have a pool. My mom does but she lives 40 mins away so it's not feasible to drive there every day. I hate gyms, treadmills, jogging, lifting weights, circuit training (the worst yet the one I do the most)...zumba I couldn't even follow all the moves. I just stood there looking around at what everyone else was doing like an idiot. I don't mind ellipticals but I know that's using the same muscles over and over...but at least it burns more calories than a treadmill. I'm also all about instant gratification so if I do work out and don't see results, I stop. Or I'll go to the gym for a week and get a cold and stop "to recover" and not go back for months. I hate being in pain for days after working out. And I DO stretch. If I don't work out as hard to "'pace myself", I don't sweat and feel it was worthless. People that say "it feels good" are masochists. It doesn't feel good. It hurts and I can barely walk or sit down, nor can I breathe. I know it's all excuses. I know this. But it's how I really feel.

  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    chances are you can find something you like! i love going for a walk with a friend. preferably a long walk so i can count it as exercise. other than that, i love running and sports!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    If you always wanted to be a runner, start with C25K (Couch to 5K). It's a great program that is designed for people who are working to get over that motivation hurdle. Also, if you don't like exercise, don't do it. If you hate it, you'll never stick with it. What other physical activities do you like? Softball, tennis, ultimate Frisbee, etc etc. Find what you like and stick with it. I have a coworker who refuses to workout, but they stay very fit by doing Karate and joining a co-ed volleyball league (amateur league). She loves it and gets an awesome workout 5 nights a week, plus extra when she has matches. Good luck, find what you love, and you WILL be able to stick with it!!
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I am doing Power 90 (NOT P90X)

    Every day I wake dreading my workout.
    Every day I hate my workout while I'm doing it.
    Every day I am so damn proud of myself for having worked out.

    Slowly the dread and the hate are melting away, just like the fat. The feelings of a job well done are increasing. It is getting so that when I miss a day, I just don't feel right.

    If you need more fun in your exercise -- nothing wrong with that! -- maybe you should start outdoor sport such as tennis, kayaking, cycling etc.
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    The thought of exercising never filled me with joy - then I found zumba. Find something you love and can throw yourself into and you will soon want to go more often :)
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    I so needed this thread. I also can't stand working out. There isn't a single exercise that I see as "fun" aside from swimming and I don't have a pool. My mom does but she lives 40 mins away so it's not feasible to drive there every day. I hate gyms, treadmills, jogging, lifting weights, circuit training (the worst yet the one I do the most)...zumba I couldn't even follow all the moves. I just stood there looking around at what everyone else was doing like an idiot. I don't mind ellipticals but I know that's using the same muscles over and over...but at least it burns more calories than a treadmill. I'm also all about instant gratification so if I do work out and don't see results, I stop. Or I'll go to the gym for a week and get a cold and stop "to recover" and not go back for months. I hate being in pain for days after working out. And I DO stretch. If I don't work out as hard to "'pace myself", I don't sweat and feel it was worthless. People that say "it feels good" are masochists. It doesn't feel good. It hurts and I can barely walk or sit down, nor can I breathe. I know it's all excuses. I know this. But it's how I really feel.


    hey girl, i totally get where you are coming from and these frustrations, but i just wanted to warn against promises from the elliptical! the burn is usually very overestimated on this machine (at least from the ones i have encountered and from others i have spoken with). in general, the more you sweat the more calories you're burning. i don't find that i sweat nearly as much on the elliptical as i do running or even walking on an incline on the treadmill or outside. i just wanted to mention it since the burn seems to be really high on it from not a lot of work.

    do you like walking? i try to walk as much as possible. it helps! :) and its relaxing!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i never used to like exercise, it was a chore for a long time... but then i see the definition in my arm when i brush my hair... i noticed the muscle in my leg on holiday pics... i LOVE the results, which makes exercsie bareable.

    and then i started insanity and fell in love with shaun t!!!!!!

    you have to find something you enjoy, but you also have to stop telling yourself your 'not a runner' or you 'cant' do whatever it is.... yes you can, if you put your mind to it!

    9 times out of 10 your body can go way further than your mind thinks it can!
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Free use of a gym! I would call them and ask when it is least crowded or when most the wives are there and go then.
  • rebeccadavis88
    Hey There

    I never exercised before Jan 2012.....I now I really enjoy it :smile:

    I agree, you have to find something you like. I tried loads of things before I settled on what I like and works for me - at the moment I do circuits classes and strength training. I do a little running (mainly HIIT on the Treadmill, run really fast for 1 min and then walk for 2 mins) but I don't really enjoy jogging/running for long periods of time. Swimming is also fab.

    30 day shred was also a good starting point for me as its only a 20 min session, but pretty challenging so it gets the adrenaline going and you get that fab feeling of accomplishment once its over (and you have survived!!) :wink:

    Try some things out - you will find something that suits you and just keep going at it, the fitter you get the more fun it becomes....plus your body will really thank you for it!

    Becky x
  • Kajay
    Kajay Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not one for exercising either. I have found a stationary bicycle while watching tv or checking the internet helps. The Nike plus for x-box is a great motivator too. I am not into running but I like hiking and am looking for ways to do it year round.

    I have access to a military gym and the military guys in there can be intimidating, but they ate people too. Also maybe find a time that's not crowed with them. The military gym I have access to has all kinds of classes and running events.
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    Oh wow do I know what you are talking about! Here is the thing though. Once you start and make yourself do it 3 days a week for about 3 weeks then it becomes a habit and is bearable. I never do well with doing it at home though. I have to go to the gym. I got off my routine for a couple of weeks after my vacation and it is so hard to get back to it. Yesterday was the first day I made myself go back and I felt like I was back to square one. I did a treadmill run/walk program. I always start there because I have to build myself back up before I can attend classes again. Have you ever tried spin class? I love it and it is the best workout ever. The best part about is you can adjust your tension to make it harder or easier and nobody around you knows you are doing it. So if you a concerned about what the military guys may think, that is a good one. You definitely need to not be intimidated by others in the gym. They respect you for being there...believe me! This about you and your goals anyway! No need to worry about what others are doing or what they might think. You are doing this for yourself!