Confessions of the "I'm Not Giving up Dessert Non- Diet"



  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    Is it just me or am I the only one who feels no need to deprive myself of something sweet, almost daily. I mean come on, this is a life time changer right? No need restricting to the point of withdrawal. So I like to save a few hundred calories just so I can have a real dessert, not the half-assed diet desserts, because that's for diets right? and we aren't dieting, we are Life Changing. I even workout to get extra calories, and I always have left over calories. So is this a bad thing? Is there anyone else out there who does the Not Giving up dessert Non-diet besides me?

    $5 says you post a success thread before any of the "I'm eating nothing but clean foods starting on Monday" crowd.

    I love it!!! LOL
  • andreavrmln
    andreavrmln Posts: 6 Member
    I build in a bit of dark chocolate pretty much every day. It helps with the cravings. But, I, too, am in the "totally worth it" calories camp. I don't eat as much junkie or cheap sweets any more, but if my friend the pastry chef makes something, you better believe I am going to eat it. And not feel guilty about it.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I'm with you! Dessert is the reason I stick to my exercise schedule.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I can't do it. can't stop at just one. I'd rather just not at all. Its how I got overweight in the first place...
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I can't do it. can't stop at just one. I'd rather just not at all. Its how I got overweight in the first place...

    This is me, I struggle with moderation. That said, I'm picking and choosing what I indulge in. Guacamole with lunch today!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm with you! I had to quit for a month though, and just stick to fruit and protein shakes to 'detox' myself from being hooked on carbs. Now I have no problem having a little bit of something and not getting seconds, and it's pretty awesome. I have some treat pretty much every day, I just keep it small and exercise to make up for it.
  • cindylu35
    cindylu35 Posts: 43 Member
    I agree 1000%! I save myself 100-200 calories every day for my snack. One day it might be 17 crackers, the next, 1/4 of a candy bar, another I may roast 4 marshmallows! It makes my diet fun and interesting as WELL as losing weight! My key to snacking is I put my amount on a small paper plate and I leave the kitchen and ENJOY IT! I don't take the whole candy bar or box of crackers with me. LOL
  • Pocahantas013
    What about making your own? At work now so can't post much, but as for ice cream, you can google "making ice cream without an ice cream maker" you'd be surprised how easy it is. Even better, you can control the ingredients. I have cut the sugar almost in half, and you would never know.

    Also frozen bananas in a food processer ends up like banana ice cream.

    If you like peaches:

    8oz frozen peaches
    6 oz container vanilla Greek yogurt (I used oikios)
    Agave or honey to taste (I have made it without, still fabulous)

    Put all ingredients in food processer and pulse, then whirl..
    Turns into soft serve..

    I poured in Popsicle molds for my girls, they were "better than a push up!"

  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Huh. Well I was never really a dessert eater I guess. I have chocolate when im experiencing my girly time, but I would rather have a big hunk of steak.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Is it just me or am I the only one who feels no need to deprive myself of something sweet, almost daily. I mean come on, this is a life time changer right? No need restricting to the point of withdrawal. So I like to save a few hundred calories just so I can have a real dessert, not the half-assed diet desserts, because that's for diets right? and we aren't dieting, we are Life Changing. I even workout to get extra calories, and I always have left over calories. So is this a bad thing? Is there anyone else out there who does the Not Giving up dessert Non-diet besides me?

    I have sweets pretty much every other day. Today, I had a dark chocolate bar with almonds. It was very good. Earlier this week I had chocolate peanut butter ice cream a couple days. It is my favorite. I went a little overboard but kept within my calories. My nutrition probably lacked a little that day. I still need to work on portion sizes so I like to stick to sweets that are already portioned out most of the time, like I'll get an ice cream sundae or a regular sized chocolate bar or cookies in a small pack.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I've just discovered Skinny Cow ice cream - sandwiches, fudge bars, you name it, and they're 100-150 calories. I have one every day, and chocolate protein shakes, and mocha-flavored coffee with sweet fruits and muffins and stuff in the morning, and I'm losing 1-2 lbs a week.

    In my view, your body works on the supply and demand law of economics. When you create a scarcity of something - sweets you want - it makes it more in-demand for you and you just want it more.

    I do try to eat healthy and clean about 75-80% of the time. But the other times? This is a lifestyle change I've made, and I refuse to deprive myself of anything I really want to eat. I just will have one serving instead of 5 like I used to.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    I made some changes, but I'm not giving up desserts. Stopped eating cheese danishes, because I couldn't just eat one, and I also try to stick with dark chocolate, because the high sugar in milk chocolates had me in it's grip. I work the calories into my allowance and work out more.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    I do that. :) I love sweets way too much to give them up completely. Whether it's a chocolate granola bar or a piece of cake or something. I mean, I will still watch the calories on them, and I try to go for the lower calorie stuff, but I don't restrict myself completely.
  • SarahBean89
    SarahBean89 Posts: 16
    Not just you. I love food and I refuse to give up anything I enjoy. I'm learning better portion control - MFP helps me to see what I'm really eating - but I would much rather exercise more so that I can eat the things I love (in moderation) than give any of it up completely. I do like to try to find better, healthier versions of ice cream or chocolate or salty snacks. But give them up completely? Never, ever gonna happen.

    Exactly. I think portion control is the key. I could never give up stuff completely (I'm still devastated that I can't have anything with coconut since developing an allergy a few years back), but I am focussing on portioning it out. I may not gorge and have 3 or 4 Oreos with a glass of chocolate milk anymore, but I will still have 1 or 2 if the craving is really bad :smile: