Im new and my name is Amber

edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I've tried different diets before and fail because i want to eat what everybody else is eating. It is really hard for me to stay on track with so many temptations, but Im really going to try and do good. I always crave candy and fruit does not help that go away and neither does sugar free chocolate pudding. Any advice would help me. Thanks


  • I've tried different diets before and fail because i want to eat what everybody else is eating. It is really hard for me to stay on track with so many temptations, but Im really going to try and do good. I always crave candy and fruit does not help that go away and neither does sugar free chocolate pudding. Any advice would help me. Thanks
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi Amber,

    I would say moderation is key, but I know for myself that I can't just have one bite of cake and stop there. For me, finding healthier substitutes has been key. I really like the slimfast bars you can by at the grocery store. All the chocolate ones are good, but they have one that reminds me of a crispy crunch chocolate bar. It only has 120 cal/bar. I have also found that fat free cool whip has been a good alternative. I actually mix it with low fat chocolate pudding to make a mousse. There is also a low fat apple crisp I really like made by presidents choice.

    In general though, if you can ignore the cravings for sweets long enough they do begin to go away as your body adjusts to your new diet.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Hi Amber, I too have a major sweet tooth and diet foods don't do the trick :grumble: What I do is keep a stack of those Cadbury thins chocolate bars in the fridge for snacks. 100 cals a bar. I get 1 once a week if I am proud of my progress.
    This plan is great because you really can incorporate anything you want! If you want a slice of pizza you can have it, you just might need to modify your day a bit to fit it in. This website is great at teaching you about portion control and healthy foods, but don't worry, you can still enjoy some of life's delicacies :drinker:
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    Snack size York Peppermint Patties are my newest love affair--70 cals!

    Previous flings: Fudgesicles and sugar free hot cocoa.

    Good luck--the sweet cravings do subside after a while, don't fret!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey, Amber, I'm new too. Sweets are a big problem with me, but my mom introduced me to Popsicles no sugar added, and they help alot. My new rule of thumb for the past 2 weeks,is no deprivation. If I want it, I eat it, and I've found that if I can have it, I don't want it as badly! Who knew? :tongue: However, sometimes the cravings are just too much and I give in, but I do so understanding there are consequences and I must budget the rest of my day around it. I suppose you could say I'm learning to be a grown up with my eating! (High time, huh?)

    Another thing my mom does (I live close to her, and my husband works past dinner most nights, so I eat with her as my dad is a long-haul trucker) is make layered deserts out of sugar free puddings, fruits and coolwhip. OMG they're amazing and you'd never know they're fat free and sugar free. No guilt! :heart: Sometimes she even does nut crusts out of walnuts or pecans and splenda.

    Get creative... diet doesn't have to always mean NONONO!

    Good luck,
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Hi. Might I suggest that you don't think of what your doing as dieting but look at it as a healthier life style? Diets always come with the baggage of huge success in the beginning followed by failure over time.

    Everyone has good suggestions but I think the best one is "diet doesn't have to always mean NO NO NO!" and that's the truth. The biggest problems we all have to suffer through is self control, portion size and fighting with our mind that we don't need to eat that.... whatever that is.

    It's one hour at a time when you first get started and looking too far ahead until you start getting things under control.

    Be honest in your entries (and do make every entry account for everything you eat or exercise in a day). Be more aware of which are good and which are bad calories. indulge yourself in a piece of dark chocolate (not the bar just the one marked out piece).

    Good Luck and welcome we're all here to support you.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    There are products out there call Skinny Cow. They make fudgcicles and "ice cream" sandwichs. I probably eat one at least once a day. They are low in fat and calories.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
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