Can't stop eating - help?



  • MegSimmons7
    MegSimmons7 Posts: 13
    Wow, thanks everyone! Sure appreciate all your thoughts & feedback. Very kind.
  • vidasana87
    vidasana87 Posts: 75
    Sorry, I don't understand. Try what again?

    I did not do the Hcg that entails taking synthetic drops that quite frankly, are likely a waste of money. I did the actual protocol the "right" way, under a doctors supervision with pure HcG injections that I did myself, daily, at home.

    My daily diet consisted of:

    Breakfast: Black coffee, or tea

    Lunch: 100g chicken breast
    heaping plate full of cucumber or tomato
    3/4 of an apple

    Dinner: same as above

    Tons of water

    I dropped back to my normal weight within 13 days.

    Yes- this is boring. This is not exciting, and you will feel hungry for the first three days or so. Suddenly however, the HcG kicks in and starts working (which kills your appetite completely) I'm not going to get into the mechanics of how HcG works, please research this yourself if you are interested. You then stop thinking about food, stop obsessing over food, and you know exactly what you are eating- you cant stray from it.

    "Many reputable doctors question if the 500-calorie-a-day diet used with HCG is the real reason for extreme weight loss, but Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of The Dr. Oz Show, says new data shows it's more than that.

    "I am feeling more comfortable," he said. "I do feel there's still a lot we have to learn about why it works, but I've got to say it makes a difference to a lot of people, and it seems to very carefully allow you to lose weight without burning a lot of muscle."

    After doing a show last year on the HCG diet, Dr. Oz challenged the physicians that prescribed HCG to do more research. That new data will be presented on The Dr. Oz Show Wednesday."

    Nope, sorry, try again
  • vidasana87
    vidasana87 Posts: 75
    "I'm not sold that this should be given to everybody," he added. "But we ought to be doing some big studies looking at HCG, because if you can give this an injection and help people lose a lot of weight quickly and help people reset where they are in life, you give them a running start at a much healthier existence."

    Kind of reiterated what I said. It's NOT for everybody. But, hey, it works for some. And that's worth something! We're all here to share our thoughts and ideas.
  • shezzzzz
    shezzzzz Posts: 119 Member
    Don't hate on me. I'm sharing what I did, and not recommending anything to anyone.

    I'm 41 and have been a compulsive eater since my teens. I was always scared of being hungry, so I did a lot of preemptive eating.

    The idea of EVER skipping a meal panicked me. My life revolved around planning, and then eating, food.

    I started reading about IF, and by delaying gradually how late in the morning I would eat, I reduced my eating so I was only eating for 4 hours in any day. I ate whatever I wanted. I did this for about 6-8 weeks. I lost some weight, but then plateaued.

    It felt so good once food was not the focus of my existence. I proved to myself that my "full signal" wasn't broken, and that I didn't have to eat constantly to survive.

    Now, I have an 8 hour eating window per day, I stay around 1700 calories, and am losing steadily. Some days I don't even feel like eating if I've been too busy (or whatever).

  • vidasana87
    vidasana87 Posts: 75
    IF is a fantastic lifestyle. Im glad it's working for you too! It simply gave me freedom from food.

    Don't hate on me. I'm sharing what I did, and not recommending anything to anyone.

    I'm 41 and have been a compulsive eater since my teens. I was always scared of being hungry, so I did a lot of preemptive eating.

    The idea of EVER skipping a meal panicked me. My life revolved around planning, and then eating, food.

    I started reading about IF, and by delaying gradually how late in the morning I would eat, I reduced my eating so I was only eating for 4 hours in any day. I ate whatever I wanted. I did this for about 6-8 weeks. I lost some weight, but then plateaued.

    It felt so good once food was not the focus of my existence. I proved to myself that my "full signal" wasn't broken, and that I didn't have to eat constantly to survive.

    Now, I have an 8 hour eating window per day, I stay around 1700 calories, and am losing steadily. Some days I don't even feel like eating if I've been too busy (or whatever).

  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I absolutely am lacking in the fresh veggies and fruits department. Adding more fiber (fruits/veggies) would make me feel more full without the added fat and sugar you get in processed food. I will make a big effort to start eating more fresh stuff. Thank you!

    this this this. for me, fresh fruits and veggies are the key for two reasons.

    1) Yes, we can eat a ton of veggies and get that really full feeling. My dinners are usually huge, but the ingredients look something like: veggies, veggies, veggies, veggies, lean protein, little bit of cooking oil. It's typically only around 400 calories, but I can eat till I am full.

    2) FOR ME good nutrition decreases hunger. Eating a variety of fruits and veggies ensures that I am getting the vitamins and minerals I need. I discovered early on in the process that when I get everything I need (protein, fat, carbs, & fiber, yes, but also vitamins, minerals, etc) I experience less hunger. I think we tend to see "hunger" as a sign that our bodies need calories and a full belly, but don't consider what else might be missing that we are truly craving. When I have a few days in a row of eating enough veggies and fruits, I'm less likely to go reaching for snacky things. I used to feel hungry all the time no matter how much I ate, it wasn't until I changed WHAT I was eating that the perpetual hunger subsided.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I'm like you, Hungry a lot, and I WANT that full feeling.

    I can't stand eating small meals several times a day, it just whets my appetite. If you want to get that full feeling, you have to shorten your eating window. Structure your day to get what you want.

    Like for me, I refrain from eating for most of the day, have a small lunch, and save most of my calories for one big belt buster meal. =)