Hopefully second time's the charm ;-)

Hello again MFP,
I had deleted my account a while back but recently my weight gain has gotten out of control and I need help and support to get back to where I was. I originally joined MFP in March 2011 and by September of that year I had lost close to 35 pounds and was feeling fantastic. Well since then I gained it all back plus some, at least ten more pounds :-( It has made for a not so happy body and I have to do something to help save my health and just feel better. I can tell I am more depressed these days and my body is rebelling health wise and I am having increased health issues that I never had before that are scary to me. Anyway, I am finally back and ready to get back to what I need to do in order to succeed once again and be more healthy and feel better!!! If you remember me from before, my username used to be mandapanda001. If you decide to add me as a friend, I am asking for only dedicated people who are on MFP every day or frequently and who I can provide support and motivation for as well and please send me a message with your request or I will not accept, thanks! :-)


  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Hey it took me 3 times to get it right and stick to it! Best of luck.
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    Welcome back! I'll send a FR.
  • lorieric5037
    Wow...you sound like me! I initially joined MFP in March 2011! You can add me as a friend if you'd like.:happy:
  • cmraub2011
    cmraub2011 Posts: 2
    I know how you feel. I lost almost 35 pounds last year. I quit journaling my food and I gained about 8-10 pounds back. I have been at it, although when you fall off the wagon it is a struggle to get backon. Maintaining the weight loss to me is a bigger struggle then losing it. I started walking and jogging 3 weeks ago, started yoga last week. I never watched my weigh on a scale, hated it. My doctor told me obiesity is a disease and you have to watch. So I bought a scale and weighed in on Wednesday and this Wednesday I did too, and I lost 3 pounds. Do not get discouraged. It takes time to get back on that wagon. Send some prayers and get up and start all the things you did last year. Once you see results, you will feel better and keep moving forward. I have about 10-15 more pounds to lose and I am not giving up this time.