HELP!!! Working out and losing no weight.



  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    You have not logged anything in days.... how do you know HOW much you are really eating>?
    Also...the one day you did log (I didn't go back months...) was under 1000. You won't lose with that type of diet.
    Eat more. Move more. = Lose.
  • Inittolozeit
    Inittolozeit Posts: 116 Member
    It's about your diet! Eat more! Make better food choices... Cut back on processed food and definitely soda!! You don't need it!
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    This is exactly what happened to me from October-March. I got a little skinnier (not much), got stronger and in better cardiovascular shape but lost no weight. March 2nd I started watching my diet, and eating a proper amount of food for my height/weight (see and have lost almost 20 lbs since, and still going.
  • lillady93
    lillady93 Posts: 18
    You have not logged anything in days.... how do you know HOW much you are really eating>?
    Also...the one day you did log (I didn't go back months...) was under 1000. You won't lose with that type of diet.
    Eat more. Move more. = Lose.

    I was keeping track on my phone not here. :( sorry. But most of my days would look really similar to that one.
  • lillady93
    lillady93 Posts: 18
    It's about your diet! Eat more! Make better food choices... Cut back on processed food and definitely soda!! You don't need it!
    Agreed. I'm done with soda.
  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    You can exercise all you want, but if you dont watch what you eat you wont lose weight.
  • mk9562
    mk9562 Posts: 186 Member
    It's your diet. What you have logged isn't the best. You mentioned soda and that's a really bad choice too.
    If you were actually eating 1200 at a clean healthy diet it would be different. Definitely need more food. Food is fuel.
  • TXBecki
    TXBecki Posts: 40
    As many others said, you are definitely not eating enough calories to fuel your body. Additionally, it will help if you start eating more fruits, veggies, and proteins. Your diary appears to contain a majority of processed carbs that do nothing but help maintain body fat. I did not see much in terms of items with high protein content which helps build muscle as well - consider adding meats, eggs, beans, or high protein seeds like quinoa to your diet. I had a similar experience when I first started, and was reluctant to give up those easy and fast foods that can be purchased from the center aisles of the grocery store, but it wasn't until I started to follow a more paleo style diet (about 85% of my intake is paleo) that the weight really started to come off. The bonus of getting rid of all those processed carbs, is that you actually get to eat MORE food for the same amount of total calories because things like vegetables are so low in calories. If it is fast and quick you need - try a protein shake, piece of fruit, handful of nuts, etc.
  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    People will tell you don't eat less then 1200 calories and bump it up to atleast 2000. I eat 1200, I eat 4 meals every 4 hours. I work out everyday except Sunday. Plateaus happen and aren't any fun. What times are you eating? Are you eating within minutes of waking up? It will eventually break and you will lose again. I have no gall bladder and Hashimoto's disease. NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME. All these people might lose one way, but some of us have to fight harder for it. It's a life change. If I can give up Pepsi then you can quit soda. I wish you the best of luck.
  • I am only trying to help - but I think you must not be tracking correctly. Even if you are only eating a bagel, cereal, and I forgot what else you said, if it's a large bagel with cream cheese, a large bowl of cereal or 2, whatever else you eat, and are likely eating more than 1200 calories.

    I am and always have been pretty health conscious and aware of what I'm eating, but it wasn't until I started weighing my food with a digital scale that I really saw progress. Not saying that is for everyone - but I tend to think that if you're working out consistently and not losing any weight, the simple answer is that you are eating more than you think.

    It's true that you can damage/slow down your metabolism by eating too little, but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't lose weight in the very beginning by eating 1200 calories or less - especially if the weight is there to lose. Metabolic slowdown takes time. Obviously everyone is different. But I wouldn't overcomplicate it.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    More protein, more veggies, less carbs. Give your body some really good fuel to burn! Exercise -- walk, do some body weight exercises, squats, modified pushups, join a zumba or yoga class. Do some strength training. Read the boards here and pick something that sounds fun.

    Eat better and get moving!