Bad lunch choice

stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
I am just going to admit it. I was bad today. I did not eat breakfast this morning due to over sleeping, and I rushed out the door without making a healthy lunch. So, I went with the group to McDonald's, and was so hungry by that point that I ate burgers and fries instead of sald and fruit! However, I went ahead and logged it along with what I know we are having for dinner, and I am still under for the day considering the exercise I will be doing this evening. So, why do I still feel so guilty? I weighed in this morning and am down another 6 pounds. Maybe I should just consider it my reward? Yuck. I feel terrible.


  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    We all have those "bad" days, dont let it get you down, i had a bad week like that last week and somehow lost 2 pounds. I think its good to "trick" your body into thinking your not on a diet :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    At least you weighed before!!!! :happy:
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    six pounds is huge! Plus, if you're still under your calories for the day - if it were me - I'd consider that a good day.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    it was a "bad" choice not a bad day...
    in my opinion you are allowed a splurge especially after a weigh in....
    you will make up for it with no calories from breakfast and you are working out so you will be at your calories for the day still....
    MOVE ON.....
    just realize that you can't always have a splurge when you get the will have to learn to control those WTF i'll just eat whatever i want feelings...that is the hard part...hence the reason most of us are in the boat we are in....
    chin are doing great and you will continue to do great if you keep you eye on the prize....

    seriously?? did i just use all those cliche phrases LOL...oh well...
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    We all make bad choices... but the reality is you HAVE to live a little. 6 pounds is amazing!! You are obviously doing something right, and you need to not beat yourself up for ONE bad choice... You are still under your goal for today so nothing is hurt! ... Don't be hard on yourself... Life is about living, and sometimes that means going to McDonalds and having a burger! haha
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Oh man that sounds really good! I haven't had McDonald's forever! Partially because where I live and work does not have a McDonald's or any other fast food type place. Which is good for me!

    Don't feel bad. Consider it a bonus for being good and for losing weight! You can get back on track tomorrow with a healthy breakfast, dinner, and supper! Best of luck to you!
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    You all are so nice! Thanks! I feel better today. P.S. I am also Team Jacob!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    You guys know she ends up with Edward, right? That is the entire point of the series.

    And a burger and fries aren't so bad, I would say the only bad choice there was to have it at mcdonalds. They have the worst quality meat. Wouldn't you rather have gone to a restaurant and really enjoyed it?

    Maybe that's just me being biased since I hate fast food with a passion. I made a lifestyle choice at 15 not to ever eat that stuff, and now i get sick from it. I just don't think its worth it. I would rather have a salad, but that's just me.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    This happens to ALL of us. Don't be mad at yourself, just take it as a cheat day. You are still under your calories for the day and down 6 pounds, that is GREAT.