New and can use all the support I can get

I am starting this journey, AGAIN. In 2011 I lost 80 pounds and was feeling awesome. I was shopping in the "regular" section at stores instead of the plus. I got pregnant in February 2012 and unfortunately must have decided that I was eating for two at that point. I had a beautiful baby in November, but now I still weigh the same as when I was 9 months pregnant. I desperately want to lose the weight again and dig out that huge tub of clothes that don't fit. I have 60 pounds to lose to get back to where I was. I love food and love to cook. I know that I have to do this for myself and to be healthy and active with my son. I know its all mind set, but knowing others are there to support you and struggling like you goes a long way.


  • jmlf4
    jmlf4 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey I know exactly how ya feel. I just had my fourth child and still got weight to lose. Got the tub of clothes that I am still hanging on to cause I know I will be back there (hopefully!)..anyhow if ya like you can add me. Been on here a little over month and going good and I too need a bunch of support :)
  • cmraub2011
    cmraub2011 Posts: 2
    I love using Fitness Pal. It was huge on my weight loss journey last year. I lost 35 poungs, then stopped logging and working out as much and gained almost 10 back. I dont have as much to lose as you, but I have come to realize its not about that. It is about getting back up and moving and feeling good once you see those results. Fitness Pal helped me lose my weight and will help me lose the rest, and I am confindent if you are dedicated, Fitness Pal will help you too!

    Good Luck to you! I look forward to seeing your goals reached.:smile:
  • HikeThatMountain
    Hi, welcome, Ive been on MFP for a really long time, LOL, a whole 35 days or so! This is my first time calorie counting..... I could use another friend and I believe I am supportive, feel free to send me a request if you like my profile:smile:
  • valey1234
    valey1234 Posts: 29
    congradulations on your baby I have a new grandaughter she is 10 monthes old I also have other grandchildren. You should be excited to start a new journey of weight loss and fitness. Start out with realistic goals like 1 or 2lbs a week keep track of your calories and find an exercise that you can do at least three times a week replace junk food with fruit and veggies and use low fat dairy products and lean meat. be patient and keep at it will work . I am 60 years old so far since feb 2013 I have lost 13lbs good luck valey1234