How to maintain a low weight without gaining?

Hey all,

I have reached my goal weight now which is about 98lbs. It is a low weight I understand, but I have a very small frame, I am 5 ft 1 and am 20 years old. I was 125 lbs before my initial weight loss. I began cutting out refined carbs which helped the weight come off slowly but plateaued at about 115lbs so embarked on a (slightly silly) low calorie diet of 800 calories per day. I did get very skinny very quickly (90lbs) so upped my calories to 1000 per day and put on 8lbs (I don't count drinks such as tea and coffee so it would add perhaps another 100cals).

I want to maintain the weight I am now (maybe put on a couple more lbs) but stupidly I am worried about putting on more weight. I have heard that people who increase their calorie intake after restricting a lot put on weight very quickly which I do not want to do. MFP suggests to maintain my weight I should be eating 1550, but I fear jumping up to this will backfire on me. I have no idea what I was eating before losing weight but I had slowly been gaining for a year and was eating a hell of a lot more than I am now. I do eat 3 meals a day, but loaded with vegetables so I fill up but my calorie intake is still pretty low.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! And this is not an ED post - I am in good shape and health and don't want to lose any more weight, but just a bit worried about a huge increase! Thank you!


  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Just jump back to maintenance, you will be fine.
    Even if the scale goes up a pound or two, its just water weight. There is nothing to fear op.
  • mk9562
    mk9562 Posts: 186
    Are you working out as well?
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I would try to slowly up your calories maybe like 50-100 calories per day for a couple of weeks and keep doing this until you reach the 1500 calories that you had mentioned. I am just right at 5 feet tall and in order to be in a healthy BMI the low end of the range is 94 pounds. So with your frame I dont think that 98 pounds is too low.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Try adding 100 calories to your diet, once a week or every two weeks until you hit 1500. That's what I did once I reached goal, and I was fine - in fact I still continued to lose a bit.

    Our BMI's are similar and I maintain on 2300 calories a day. I also lift heavy weights and have a lot of lean muscle which in turn boosts my metabolism.

    If you aren't lifting now, I highly suggest that you do. It's fun, you will feel great, and the best part of all is that you can consume more calories and still maintain.

    Congrats on making your goal and best of luck!
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    I agree with Roadstergirli and start adding 100 calories a week until you stop losing and are maintaining. I have done this and maintained my weight for 1 year. I still eat most of my exercise calories back and if I find I am up a couple of pounds for several days I drop my calories back down until it is gone again.