Any writers out there?



  • iradamrawr
    iradamrawr Posts: 35
    i just joined it doesnt look like it has much activity but we can change that :)

    btw thank you all for the advice i appreciate it all.

    dsjohn i know i shouldnt be embarressed and in the end if i enjoy writing and reading my own story thats what really matters but at the end of the day im a super shy self concise guy lol

    johnp your excatly right about not wanting to ask things in person or of people that work for me and i see everyday before i have more of it done or feel like its a little bit more polished

    CTL id love your input on it ill send you a message soon,

    designguy i know i shouldnt worry too much about editing stuff right now but im weird like that i guess lol i have the story mapped out in my head have for years and when i finally decided to put it down i wanted to make sure it flowed right more than grammer editing and stuff

    yeah alex i would love to talk to your hubby if hes intrested

    thanks again to everyone hit up that group and maybe we can bring it back from the dead :) lol
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    hey all! I just posted a topic in that group that says "Birds Must Fly, Writers Must Write, so..."

    I would love to see some responses!

    (This is the teacher in me coming out, which btw, I am ALSO a judge at the middle school Power of the Pen writing competition in my area, and have seen 3 of my past students make it all the way to State competition)

    I call it the "ten minute write". 10 minutes to respond to a prompt.

    Are you up for the challenge?
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Im the son of a poet. Does that count? lol
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member

    I'd like to add that when I teach others to write, I tell them they do NOT have to start in any particular order -- just jot down what parts of the story they currently have floating in their heads. Stories don't have to be written in sequential order - work backwards, forwards or out from the middle if need be. What comes to you the best should be your starting point. From there, branch it out and fill in the missing parts.

    Thanks for the advice. I stopped writing for a long time for some reason but I'm trying to get started again.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I write fanfiction, if that counts.


    Doesn't count?

    Okay. I understand completely.
  • kowfred
    kowfred Posts: 19
    Iradam, I write, pending publishing a YA novel, professional screenplay writer. I'll give you feedback. Email me.

    Join writers' groups and read titles from the bookstore, know your genre.

    Don't be embarassed or you'll never be read. Groups and peer critique help, but learn when it's constructive and when your vision is compromised. Learn the craft, grammar, plot structure, good natural dialogue!, (you can google a lot of it and get books but don't blow too much money) and your idea will thrive. Don't give up. I queried a lot before I got notice.

    Good luck, and write. "writers write" heh
  • GregLeatherman
    I am a professional writer and editor. It makes it challenging to lose weight when you sit at a desk all day, but at least I get to do what I love for money.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I write fanfiction, if that counts.


    Doesn't count?

    Okay. I understand completely.

    I think it counts as hobby writing... not that I'd know anything about that. :wink:
  • GregLeatherman
    I just recently started writing down some things out of my imagination and thought one of them might decent reading and i was wondering if anyone on here was a writer that i could bounce some ideas off of or get some advice from

    the book or short story or 4 pages or what ever the hell it ends up being is going to be of the fantasy nature (D&D type fantasy not the other fantasy lol) throw me a message or reply on here i would really appreciate some help :) thanks

    I can give you some advice based on your post. Please don't take it the wrong way. Your post is poorly punctuated and missing some words. When sending anything to an editor, be sure and correct these errors. Typically, no editor will overlook such mistakes unless they want money from you. Paying publishers require that you learn basic grammar. Good luck!
  • GregLeatherman
    I just recently started writing down some things out of my imagination and thought one of them might decent reading and i was wondering if anyone on here was a writer that i could bounce some ideas off of or get some advice from

    the book or short story or 4 pages or what ever the hell it ends up being is going to be of the fantasy nature (D&D type fantasy not the other fantasy lol) throw me a message or reply on here i would really appreciate some help :) thanks

    I can give you some advice based on your post. Please don't take it the wrong way. Your post is poorly punctuated and missing some words. When sending anything to an editor, be sure and correct these errors. Typically, no editor will overlook such mistakes unless they want money from you. Paying publishers require that you learn basic grammar. Good luck!

    I don't mean to discourage you. Most writers draft their stories in a rough form first, including myself, but you do need to polish any story before submitting. A ready-to-submit manuscript should be as clean as you can get it. I probably came off a little harshly in criticizing the grammar of your query, but you will find many editors do the same (especially in publishing). In my own career, things did not take off for me until I learned how to self-edit. That said, a good idea is rare and you should not be discouraged by me or anyone. Good luck!
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I write poetry and have been published. It is something I NEVER expected, and originally did it for my own personal expression. Taking a college level class really opened my eyes. I highly recommend you take any writing class that is convenient, even if not in your specific genre. You will meet cool, like-minded people. Poetry readings are now my passion and through them I find a platform and further opportunities for publication. Good luck and please do friend me and let me know if/when you set up a writer's group here.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Right here! :)

    I have to warn you, I am extremely blunt and critical. I rip pieces to shreds with my meticulousness. That's why I tell people not to ask me unless they're thick skinned, lol.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I am a freelance writer; I write articles related to business, non-profits, and general interest (mostly for trade journals).
  • writerchristy
    writerchristy Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a writer, editor, and graphic and web designer. I design book covers for authors, mostly. I am determined to get published this year! (And, no, please don't remind me that I said that last year too)

    I'd love to connect with other writers here, so please add me.

    I have a lot to lose, but I'll cheer you on or just talk about writing, whatever you like.

