Whats the best way to calculate your calorie intake?



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Uuuuuuuummm, If you walk every weekday and workout for an hour on Sat and Sun, you most certainly do not lead a "sedentary" lifestyle. Are you sure you know what sedentary means?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ^Agree with Sara. Protein also spikes insulin and raised insulin does not make you store fat. Eating excess calories makes you store fat and gain weight.

    Protein also stimulates glucagon which is an insulin countering horemone... carbs only stimulates insulin. LOSING weight will be VERY difficult if your body is constantly pumping insulin, which yes, is a fat storing hormone. When insulin is over-produced it will create a fat storage environment within your body, which will not help weight loss.

    How can you store excess fat in a caloric deficit - you are missing what is happening with the rest of the picture.

    I suggest you read this to get a better understanding of what happens: http://www.weightology.net/weightologyweekly/?page_id=319
  • GingerbreadArtist
    GingerbreadArtist Posts: 212 Member

    How can you store excess fat in a caloric deficit - you are missing what is happening with the rest of the picture.

    I suggest you read this to get a better understanding of what happens: http://www.weightology.net/weightologyweekly/?page_id=319

    Sarauk2sf - thanks for posting this link. Very informative information that provides yet another viewpoint on how the human body works. There is SO much information available and everybody seems to have a viewpoint. I wish someone would finally figure out the magic potion on the best method in order to lose weight.... count calories vs. don't count calories but listen to your body; intermittent fasting vs. eating 6 small meals a day; exercise hard vs. walk slow; high protein/no carb vs high fat/low protein/low fat; Eating real food vs. nothing but juicing..... it becomes so confusing.

    But, thanks for posting the link... adds to the library of knowledge.