Weight Loss Counseling

Due to recent struggles in my marriage I have decided to look into counseling, and came across a place that also have what they call Therapeutic Weight Loss Counseling. Has anyone ever done this? I think it would help me greatly since my weight struggles come down to my inner turmoil quite often. Especially now with the stress of my marriage and quite frankly falling into a bit of a depression. Trying to lose weight with a rocky marriage and depression just isn't working right now, and I could use all the help I can get. I am hoping someone has tried this and it has at least worked.


  • ginncjb
    ginncjb Posts: 44 Member
    Hope your situation has improved (personally & weight-wise). I found your post in a search, because I've wondered about weight counseling myself. Would be interested to know if you tried it & if you had any success.