when should I start c25k?



  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member

    I'm same weight as you, started 3 weeks ago... My husband started it last year and ran his first 5k at over 330 lbs! You can definitely do it!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I think you could start now especially since you have been doing zumba which is mid-high impact depending on the routine and effort. Running is high impact for sure and if you are worried about certain joints you can get materials that can help stabilize those areas while you run although I wouldn't think you'd need it unless you have had problems with your ankles/knees before.
  • dwoodmanjr
    dwoodmanjr Posts: 89 Member
    Tomorrow morning will be Day 3 of Week 5 for me, and I weigh 259 right now. I am finding each day to be a little easier than the day before, and I never ran for anything over 3-4 minutes at a time in my 48 years on this planet. Start right now
  • barbiedollgirl
    barbiedollgirl Posts: 57 Member
    Start now. I am 240 lbs and started the program this week. Week 1Day 1 kicked my butt. Im only on week 1 day 2 lol but its true what others have said. I jog and pace myself. Learn to breathe through the running and try to maintain the same breathing techniques as you walk. Take your time. My ankles and calves were killing me but I pushed through the pain and was soo excited to see i finsihed day 1 I have an app on my phone. So I plug in Pandora and my app instructs me when to walk and when to jog. Good luck,

    ^^^ This for me also!! I also play Pandora and use the app at the same time. I have a Zumba Fitness station on my Pandora that really put me in the mood!! Day 1 did hurt while I was doing it, but afterwards, I felt really good!!
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    Currently 198lb. and started running at 210lb. Start today. No excuses!
  • CoffeeAndRunningShoes
    CoffeeAndRunningShoes Posts: 20 Member
    I weighed about 220 when I started c25k originally. It kicked my butt, but since you are doing moderately high impact cardio like zumba already, your joints can probably take it.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Whoever said that you're already late is right. Go now. I started with a BMI over 40-morbidly obese. Just go. Repeat days/weeks as much as you need to, but go already. Like now, before it starts to rain again.
  • nabzilla_uk
    nabzilla_uk Posts: 45 Member
    I just did day 1 week 1, it almost killed me but i did it! lol! thanks to everyone for your belief and encouragement xxx
  • Wgbn32
    Wgbn32 Posts: 38 Member
    Start now. I've been doing c25k for like 3 months (ive had to repeat some days) and I just dropped below 250. Started the program in the 260s.

    The key is to go slow and listen to your body. I'm lucky I havemt had much knee trouble. In fact I think my knees are getting better...but that's because I listen and take breaks when I need to.