
any tips on how to make sure you get your 8 glasses of water in a day?? I've only been getting around 5!


  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    any tips on how to make sure you get your 8 glasses of water in a day?? I've only been getting around 5!

    I could stand in front of the fridge and get 5 cups. Replace other liquids with water. Just carry water with you.
  • I bought one of those Brita bottles with the filter inside the cap. I have it at work and I try to fill it up at least 2 or 3 times while at work. I have another that I keep at home and usually fill it up 2 more times in the evening after work. These are 20 oz bottles, so I'm getting 80-100 oz of water every day.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have a tall cup with a straw, and I sit it in front of me and sip on it all day long. Thanks goodness it's water, because it looks like something a totally lazy person would do. I can sip and type at the same time, which is what I'm doing now. 8D
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You don't need to get 8 cups of water a day. If you feel hydrated with 5, then it's cool. Drinking more water will not make you lose more fat. Also consider, stuff like ice tea can count as water too.
  • 1. Drink a cup of water as soon as you wake up in the morning or at least 1 before you leave the house for the day.
    2. Keep water on your desk or in your work area -- a bottle that holds at least 16 oz
    3. Work out more -- you'll need water then ... and you'll burn calories
    4. Get rid of other non-water drinks in your house -- or keep them to a minimum
    5. Set a reminder in your phone to drink a cup of water ever 2 hours
    6. put some small amount of fruit in it if you hate water
    7. set a goal of 6 cups a day, when you meet that goal for 4 days in a row, make it 7 cups, etc etc.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I carry a 32 oz bottle with me everywhere and just sip throughout the day. 2 of those is 8 cups. and like said before, working out does help you drink more.
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    i cant drink alot of cold water but room temp is easier for me to get in
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    Personally, I disagree with the poster psulemon. I say the more the better, water is so great for you, and I find the more I drink, the more energized I feel, and less I tend to eat. Be careful with teas and things because yes, although it is mixed with water, there can also be unwated sugars in there, and caffeine which also dehydrates you.

    I, like you, also have a hard time getting to my goal of 100oz per day, but different things work for different people. I find that room temp water is easier to drink, and if it is out of a tumbler (tall cups with straw), I am constantly sipping. I also carry arround a hand-held jug (holds about 75 oz) all day, fill it each morning, and make it my goal to finish one per day.
    I also try to chug water right when I wake up. Your mouth is usually dry in the morning anyway, so keep some by your bed, and your tummy will feel full right away in the am!
    It's also easier to reach your goal if you get in some exercise that day. Huffin' and puffin will make you thirsty!!

    Good Luck!
  • paday
    paday Posts: 24 Member
    I make sure to drink water with all meals. I never used to drink a lot of liquids in general but was able to down quite a bit with a meal. I hardly drink anything but water these days and I can tell the more I drink it, the more I crave it. I have this totally awesome stainless steel thermos that I carry with me everywhere. It's keeps water ice cold, seriously, for like 8 hours. Some days when I'm in the mood for something else, I'll drink hot green tea and of course I do drink sweet iced tea and cokes on occasion (like once a week). Still, I only drink 6-8 cups of water a day usually (sometimes even less) but I never feel dehydrated.
  • Janrr
    Janrr Posts: 12
    knitwit86, drinking 8 glasses of water seems hard to me. To help solve this, I put full glasses of water in my computer room and on the kitchen bar. Then when I enter either room, I drink from the glass. I had a Pepsi habit before I began MFP. It is at least partly responsible for a 25 pound gain. Keeping a glass of water available, & with a water bottle for driving helped me lose 12 pounds.

    I urge you to dink as much water as you can, I am up to 7 glasses each day. The journey to get to that amount hasn't been easy for me. .

    I restarted MFP about a month ago. I originally started last year. But fractured my shoulder while exercising. & put off rejoining for too long.

    Tell your self,, "Iff I really want to lose weight, I will drink water". You can do it. .
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Personally, I disagree with the poster psulemon. I say the more the better, water is so great for you, and I find the more I drink, the more energized I feel, and less I tend to eat. Be careful with teas and things because yes, although it is mixed with water, there can also be unwated sugars in there, and caffeine which also dehydrates you.

    I, like you, also have a hard time getting to my goal of 100oz per day, but different things work for different people. I find that room temp water is easier to drink, and if it is out of a tumbler (tall cups with straw), I am constantly sipping. I also carry arround a hand-held jug (holds about 75 oz) all day, fill it each morning, and make it my goal to finish one per day.
    I also try to chug water right when I wake up. Your mouth is usually dry in the morning anyway, so keep some by your bed, and your tummy will feel full right away in the am!
    It's also easier to reach your goal if you get in some exercise that day. Huffin' and puffin will make you thirsty!!

    Good Luck!

    You can disagree with me if you want, but show me a study that suggest that you will lose more weight by drinking more water while maintaining calories and I will be impressed. I am not saying water isn't good, but you only need to drink as much as you feel hydrated. I personally drink 120-150oz a day. So keep in mind that I am not advising the OP to not drink water, I am merely suggesting that if she feels hydrated there is no reason to force additional water down her throat.

    Also, there are many studies that have linked increased athletic performance with the association of caffeine. In fact, having caffeine pre workout can improve your performance as noted below.

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i use 32 oz mcdonalds cup annd just constantly sip on ice water all day and all night.
    or have a water bottle with oz on it
    or have bottled water
    or drink water w ith lemon wedges
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    A water bottle.
    Just keep it with you and keep it filled.
  • Lala_White
    Lala_White Posts: 52 Member
    I usually drink 2 - 1 liter bottles per day (sometimes more). I have a bottle of water with me all the time. Because I can only sip at the water makes it a bit more difficult at times though. I will also flavor the water. I've found the best for me is Dasani water enhancer. I used Crystal Light and the Wal Mart brand as well as Mio. But those have sodium in them and I don't want the sodium. Some of those have calories as well.

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