Hey! Newbie ... does anyone bellydance?

Clew Posts: 910 Member
Hello everyone - I'm another newbie, coming in to say hello. I never struggled with my weight until my late 20's - and then when I just buckled down and watched what I ate I could shed it pretty easily. But since hitting my late 30's, it's extremely difficult to get it off! I'm also a stress eater, which doesn't help :blushing: ... Thought MFP could help me keep track of what I'm doing, where I'm going, and what I did that either did or didn't help.

On a semi-related note, I started bellydancing a few years ago and I really dig it. It's a deceptively challenging core workout! Does anyone else here do this?

Looking forward to making new friends and celebrating successes ... have a great week ~


  • shadows1177
    shadows1177 Posts: 33
    Hi! Well I have only been here for 5 days and I have lost 10 pounds! Thats a huge amount and I am sure that I might be an exception so a rule or something but I owe it to MFP! It has really helped me to see exactly how much everything that I eat and drink effects me and how much even the smallest of activity helps. I used to belly dance (before I got the belly LOL) and I have been thinking about that and hula again. I know that they are big callorie burners and great for building strength too. Best of luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't but the girl who signed me up at the gym I use teaches a belly dance (shimmy) class and I can tell she's slimmed out just from when I started going to the gym in January. It definitely works!
  • delilahthegoddess
    Welcom to MFP :) I am a belly dancer and teacher. Always glad to lend support to another belly dancing goddess :)
  • lirenebrown
    I am interested in taking a class this summer.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome, ladies! I'm trying to get back into the bellydancing - I haven't done it for a few months. I live in the country and it's a challenge to get to the classes ... I have DVD's but it's real easy to blow them off - LOL - even though I feel incredible when I do it! Crazy, right? Here's to supporting each other with picking it back up again.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    I do! :) I'm not too great at it but it's a lot of fun.
  • SexyIsPainful
    SexyIsPainful Posts: 42 Member
    I tried doing with the Shimmy program on Fit tv - but I need lessons in technique though. I really want to take classes. I think it is a good core workout because I felt the soreness the next couple of days....
  • wolfie209
    wolfie209 Posts: 11
    Hello all. I just signed up today. Yes I bellydance. I started lessons oh like 15 years ago. It is my most favorite thing to do and I was surpised at how much I really burn doing it. I stopped the dance and activity over the last year and really packed on the poundage, including being stupid and drinking Starbucks everyday and eating fast food. Now, I'm back and ready to camel roll!! haha. Anyway, feel free to befriend me or chat especially about dance or music. I so look forward to making good progress. I can't believe how hard it is to get the right calories with the RIGHT kind of food. Anyway... DANCE ON!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • czar1978
    czar1978 Posts: 83
    Hey! Welcome from a fellow belly dancer and instructor! :drinker:

    Of course you feel incredible when you belly dance! It is an ancient art celebrating women! Belly dance promotes healthy living and a positive attitude for women of all shapes and sizes.

    MFP is a great site. It will help you accomplish your goals!
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    Love bellydancing!!!! I started taking classes with my sister and within six months we were dancing in restaurants and I was sitting there thinking.... how did I get here??? but I love it and you can keep it low impact. It's great for your sefl esteem too.!

  • MyaA
    MyaA Posts: 87
    *points to picture* *waves* another bellydancer/instructor here =)
  • ediegram
    I happened upon this thread.. Are there still any other active bellydancers out there? Friend me! :) Let's chat about music and dance.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Hi Edie,
    I used to dance and I'd love to get back into it again. Right now my schedule and the instructors' schedules just aren't jiving :( I think there are still a few active dancers online though.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm a belly dancer :)
  • themehgetarian
    themehgetarian Posts: 26 Member
    Hey there! Don't know if this thread's too old, but I'm a tribal bellydancer. :)