Heavy Lifters, Question about Carbs

Friends who lift heavy, is it common to have an overwhelming craving for carbs during the day following a morning weight session? I can not shake this craving no matter what I do, I feel like I need a bowl of pasta or something :noway: I had a fairly high amount of carbs for breakfast right after the gym- Greek yogurt, pumpkin seed kernels, Chai seeds and banana Second meal was a spinach, kale, banana, chai seed smoothie with a sesame seed granola bar and my third meal was a bowl of split pea soup with broccoli and red onions in it with two tbs sour cream on top which equates to over 100 carbs but I still have the craving what gives?

*I'm a pescatarian so please know this if you plan on offering advice on eating more meat in my diet that isn't seafood :) Thanks in advance for the advice I am new to weight lifting and just trying to make sure I am doing it right.

**Please no rude comments or sarcastic posts I am truly looking for help to make my body lean and strong from people who have done it already.


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Maybe eat more carbs? 100g of carbs isn't very many...
  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    I am three weeks in and fine now but the first few days I just supper hungry. I decided to up my calorie goal . I was graving sugar thou and I have not craved sugar like that in a long time
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Maybe eat more carbs? 100g of carbs isn't very many...

    Oooh before I started lifting I was a believer in primal eating where they say to eat under 100 carbs so maybe I just need to change my way of thinking and my calorie count.. currently my macros are set on 40/30/30 and im eating at 1300 calories a day not much do I eat my exercise calories back though
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Eat more carbs on workout days especially around workout time. The 100g carbs per day recommendation is a good one if you are relatively sedentary, not engaged intense activity.

    Try 130 - 150g carbs on workout days and work upwards until you find a sweet spot.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Eat more carbs on workout days especially around workout time. The 100g carbs per day recommendation is a good one if you are relatively sedentary, not engaged intense activity.

    Try 130 - 150g carbs on workout days and work upwards until you find a sweet spot.

    I ended the day with 176 carbs which I feel is a lot but i am satisfied and not going to stress on it because I got a ton of nutrients in today and very low sodium and fat and I have a big training day tomorrow so I'm going to try and stay positive
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    1300 calories a day, less than 100g of carbs, let alone the minimal amount of protein you are getting is not setting you up for succes with heavy lifting.

    Eat more all around and everything will improve.

    ETA: Look at my diary. Seriously. I am constantly fueling my body to give it what it needs to lift heavy.
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    I had tried to stick around 100 gr of carbs too, while lifting heavy but found that my energy levels were all over the place. I went to a sports nutritionist who worked with olympic athletes and she told me to up my carb intake in a big way - - 179 wouldn't be out of the realm. She actually moved me up to 200.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Definitely eat more carbs and in general
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    1300 calories a day, less than 100g of carbs, let alone the minimal amount of protein you are getting is not setting you up for succes with heavy lifting.

    Eat more all around and everything will improve.

    ETA: Look at my diary. Seriously. I am constantly fueling my body to give it what it needs to lift heavy.

    Wow you werent kidding! Did you have weight to lose as you where lifting? I am working to balance fat loss while gaining muscle which is why I am a bit confused. I just ordered the New rules of weighlifting for women and look forward to starting the program soon for some more guidance.
  • ToddsFitnessPal
    ToddsFitnessPal Posts: 9 Member
    lol...thats very little carbs...everything you posted you ate after lifting was pretty low carb...banana was the highest!!!!!! no wonder you were craving carbs.

    After your workout....eat a *kitten* ton of fruit...and oats and wheat bread and stuff like that...your body needs to replenish its glycogen stores.
  • ToddsFitnessPal
    ToddsFitnessPal Posts: 9 Member
    when getting into something like heavy lifting....i would err on the side of too many calories before erring on the side of too little...you can always adjust after a month or so.
  • This is just my opinion, based on my own diet, but I actually disagree with needing more carbs, yes you might be craving them, but that may be because of drops in insulin after the high carb meals earlier on or because the brain releases serotonin after carbs making you temporarily feel happy. I would add in more protein to fill your belly and some fats to nourish you. You could always try it for a few days just to see? After a heavy powerlifting session I have carbs too, but make sure protein and fats are always on the high side, volumetrics works well for me, lots in my tummy and I dont crave anymore. all the best.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    This is just my opinion, based on my own diet, but I actually disagree with needing more carbs, yes you might be craving them, but that may be because of drops in insulin after the high carb meals earlier on or because the brain releases serotonin after carbs making you temporarily feel happy. I would add in more protein to fill your belly and some fats to nourish you. You could always try it for a few days just to see? After a heavy powerlifting session I have carbs too, but make sure protein and fats are always on the high side, volumetrics works well for me, lots in my tummy and I dont crave anymore. all the best.

    Thanks so much! If you don't mind me asking, what are your macros? I aimed for a higher carb, higher protein breakfast this morning it was a lot more calories then I normally have but I'm counting on it taking me through till lunch