Bipolar & Lamotrigine



  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    None of those meds should affect appetite. The big one associated with appetite change and metabolic syndrome is Risperdal (risperidone). If you're truly BP you'll probably be adding other meds in down the road to control manic episodes (assuming you weren't actively manic at the time of your diagnosis). Lithium, valproic acid, Risperdal, etc. are commonly used. If you can avoid Risperdal I'd recommend it. Weight gain is very common with it and also with valproic acid. Lithium is more neutral. Best of luck! Getting the right med regimen for BP is generally very challenging and requires trial and error.

    Oh, and bloating is not common with Lamictal (lamotrigine).

    I dare to quote you on this. Sorry, not looking for a quarrel but none of these meds should affect appetite? You do they know they prescribe Olanzapine to anorexics to induce appetite?The Wiki (anorexia) page says it's one of the strongest appetite enhancers currently known. Same goes for any other class of this medication, they'e all the same really. Anti-psychotics as a class are one to be avoided if you want no weight gain and anitconvulsants are not far off. You sound like my psych. Cheers thanks!

    I didn't mention olanzapine in my post. Risperdal is an antipsychotic and I stated clearly that it induces appetite and causes metabolic syndrome. It's safe to say that for most drugs in that class. Lithium, valproic acid, and lamictal are not antipsychotics and should not affect appetite. Please read more carefully next time you question a medical student.

    Yes, I was on Risperdal and I felt so hungry on it all of the time. I was okay at first but then I started gaining a ton of weight and it never really stopped. I am pretty sure it was the medication because as soon as I got off of it I began losing weight and my weight stabilized. It is really frustrating because my psychiatrist saw my weight gain but did nothing about it. I went from 206 lbs. to over 300 very quickly. It is hard to believe a medication could do that, but it had to be the drug because the effects stopped as soon as I stopped taking it and I was able to lose weight again.
  • Hi ... I take Lamotrigine for stress/anxiety ... tends to calm me down a bit. I have noticed immediate hunger cravings, weight gain and bloating ... and foggy-ness in the head, trouble concentrating. Big Pharma usually lists the most common side effects. That does not mean it won't affect someone else differently since they only do random case studies. Trust your instincts and best of luck.