Another 30 Day Shredder

CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
I started 30 Day shred today!

Mostly I started this because well... my weight is coming off at a good rate, I'm happy with that. But I didn't feel like I could actually see a difference. I want to work on the re-shaping of my body more.

I'm already relatively fit (I run 3X per week, do Zumba and Yoga and have been snowboarding all winter) so Day 1 was not so bad!

People that have done it... did you finish the 30 days within 30 days or take a few days off here and there? I would like to keep running 3X a week, and not sure it's advisable to not have a rest day...

Anyone else currently working on it?


  • carchie94
    carchie94 Posts: 45
    I'm on Day 4 right now. I'm probably going to go right through it. I was really sore on Day 2, but now I'm just bored. Of course, I used to jog and swim three days a week with kung fu two days a week.

    I'm thinking of doing Insanity when I'm done.

    In an interview, Jillian said she didn't advise doing all 30 days straight through, though.
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    I think 30DS is seriously overrated around here. I do it sometimes, but only if I'm super pressed for time and can't do anything longer. It's so short that I never feel like I've gotten a good workout in when I do it. I think you'd be better off getting a few different DVDs and working them around your ability and schedule rather than trying to do 30DS for 30 days.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I did it 30 days straight the first time around. (and had nice results)