My first time to this site

Hello everyone! I'm am obviously a newbie :) Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I have been on my weight loss journey this time around for 3 months. I've lost 20 pounds. I recently just started doing Zumba classes and am now addicted! I do my 2nd one for this week tonight and another tomorrow night, I can't wait. I hope to get to know everyone soon :)


  • lappyd425
    lappyd425 Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome, Welcome!! You will love this place and all the awesome people! It's really helped me!!! ~ Jenni
  • ruth1297
    ruth1297 Posts: 11
    Hi, this is my second day on the site an I'm loving it,the encouragement is fantastic,well done for your weight loss so far.:)
  • mandyshell
    mandyshell Posts: 55
    Thank you so much!! I'm ready to get my profile and everything set up too. Thanks for the warm welcomes :)
  • SassyMissDasha
    Yeah get that profile set up! You'll be sticking around for awhile! Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    Welcome mandyshell, you will love this site and the people on it! There is nothing but good advice and tons of support. :happy:
  • mandyshell
    mandyshell Posts: 55
    Thanks :) Hey, how did you get your Ticker to show up on your post? I can't figure it out for the life of me! lol.
  • mandyshell
    mandyshell Posts: 55
    Hey, I got it!! lol