P90X almost done, no change!!!!

I started P90X on March 8th and I will be done with my 90 day routine on June 5th. I have worked out every single day faithfully, minus my Sunday rest day of course, I did the doubles routine so I was working out doing cardio three to four times a week, and I didn't necessarily stick to the nutrition guide, but I ate really really healthy the entire time with my occasional cheats. I took pictures thru out the whole process. On my sixty day pics I was so confident that I looked so much better, I took the pics, and when I compared them to my beginning pics, NO CHANGE!!! Not one! Now I'm getting close to being done with the routine, and I honestly don't see one bit of change! What could I have done wrong!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I am so discouraged! I will honestly say I feel so much better, I feel like I'm more toned, and I feel like I look smaller when I look in the mirror, but why doesn't my body show this change?!

Don't get me wrong, this was an awesome program and I was amazed that I actually stuck with it and that I was able to do it, I'm just sad to not look better than I do.

What should I do? Someone help me cheer up:(


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I know people who use ChaLean Extreme say that the second month they hold on to water weight and feel like they stay the same or feel a little bigger but in the last month is when it sheds off rapidly. That may be the case. But I'm not sure. Just finish and wait it out. It will come off when its ready.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I guess I wonder if you are being too hard on yourself. You say you feel smaller in the mirror and more toned, so I have a hard time believing that isn't showing through in the photos, even if it isn't as dramatic of a change as you would like. Has the scale gone down or have your measurements changed? How many calories were you eating during that time. If you were doing doubles, that can take a lot of calories to fuel your body while also trying to coax it to drop fat. Eating too little might have hindered some of the fat loss, but I bet your body has changed more than you can see.

    Would consider posting the pics?
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    how many calories a day were you eating?
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    So as with any other program P90X is and will be what you make it, were you challenging yourself to do more each time, were you "bringing it" each time or most times when you worked out? The first time I did the program I saw better results quicker but in being honest with myself I pushed myself harder the first time. I have started pushing myself harder, I am on day one of the last round today, and I am determined to push myself. I can tell a difference when I'm doing the workout and pushing myself vs. just going through the moves. If you were "brining it" then I would be curious to see the b4 and after or during pics cause I bet others can notice more of a difference we tend to be our own worse critics. I didn't follow the nutrition program either time, I just followed my own and depending on what your doing and eating that will make a difference.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Would have to see the before and after pictures to tell. However a couple things that I took from P90x. It is not a weight loss program per se, it is a get fit program. I can bet right now, that you are stronger and in way better shape than when you started. The nutritional guide that program is recommended for optimal results along with no occasional cheats. If you want to see the results you got to do the whole thing, not just part of it. Nutrition guide is part of that.

    Now for the reality, Some people like me do just what you did, try it again or, You can tweak your workout program and buckle down on eating better. Keep what you like of the program and input other things into things you didnt like. For instance, I hate running but I have inputted running 3 x a week with the strength training, kept Yoga X and Ploymetrics. Currently dropping lbs but I really had to get back on the eating healthy track with 99% success rate for eating instead of the once a week splurge.
  • SimplySonja
    SimplySonja Posts: 12
    Do you think that you didn't consume enough calories? Remember at the beginning of the book they have you calculate BMI... and calorie consumption. I am also doing P90x. I am in the 5th week. I have noticed firmer legs, less fat on waist and firmer arms. I have only dropped 3 pounds. I am 5'8" and weigh 150 lbs. I am anxious to check my body fat in another week. When I began I was at 24% (in the fit range for a woman). I would love to drop more pounds - around 8 more, but I am happy with results. This week I am consuming more calories to see if that makes a difference.
    From what I understand, if you don't consume enough calories (to maintain normal body function and support exercise), then your body thinks it is going into starvation mode and will not "let go" of the excess fat/pounds.
    Congrats on sticking with the program! I hope you feel great about yourself for finishing program. I am sure you are more fit and feel better.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Would have to see the before and after pictures to tell. However a couple things that I took from P90x. It is not a weight loss program per se, it is a get fit program. I can bet right now, that you are stronger and in way better shape than when you started. The nutritional guide that program is recommended for optimal results along with no occasional cheats. If you want to see the results you got to do the whole thing, not just part of it. Nutrition guide is part of that.

    Now for the reality, Some people like me do just what you did, try it again or, You can tweak your workout program and buckle down on eating better. Keep what you like of the program and input other things into things you didnt like. For instance, I hate running but I have inputted running 3 x a week with the strength training, kept Yoga X and Ploymetrics. Currently dropping lbs but I really had to get back on the eating healthy track with 99% success rate for eating instead of the once a week splurge.

    Exactly. P90X is a great fitness plan but, like any other fitness plan, you can get fit but not lose weight if the nutrition isn't in line. And the more demanding a program is, the more dialed in that nutrition has to be to support the demands you are putting on your body. Most reasonable fat loss experts would probably agree that diet is #1 in losing fat because it is way too easy to out-eat even the most intense workout. (Or, alternatively, under eat.)
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    You probably were already in pretty good shape to begin with. Those pics on the P90 program start with people who are pretty much out of shape. So if you've gone through the whole program and seen no change then that probably means that the program was not challenging to you and you need a little more challenge.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I am currently consuming about 1800 to 2000 calories which I haven't recalculated since I've started because I've stayed the same weight basically. And on MFP that's about what I should be getting with my workout calories included. I can post before and after pics, but they are on my home computer and I'm currently at work, so when I get home I will post them. I really do feel like I "bring it" pretty much every time with my occasional days here and there when I'm worn out and can't really do it too hard. I work with a bunch of doctors and PAs and one of the guys was asking me of my eating routine and I informed him I have been doing a protein shake everyday. He thinks that it could be something that is keeping the weight on. So I'm gonna try to finish up without taking in a protein shake and see if that makes a difference.

    Thanks for all your guys' opions. I really do appreciate the input and it helps to see where I can try to work on to make improvements.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I am currently consuming about 1800 to 2000 calories which I haven't recalculated since I've started because I've stayed the same weight basically. And on MFP that's about what I should be getting with my workout calories included. I can post before and after pics, but they are on my home computer and I'm currently at work, so when I get home I will post them. I really do feel like I "bring it" pretty much every time with my occasional days here and there when I'm worn out and can't really do it too hard. I work with a bunch of doctors and PAs and one of the guys was asking me of my eating routine and I informed him I have been doing a protein shake everyday. He thinks that it could be something that is keeping the weight on. So I'm gonna try to finish up without taking in a protein shake and see if that makes a difference.

    Thanks for all your guys' opions. I really do appreciate the input and it helps to see where I can try to work on to make improvements.

    So from the numbers, here's what i think. If you were here and wanting to lose 1lb a week you would probably have around 1300 calories as your base figure. The tricky part is I really don't buy that each of these workouts is 600 calories worth of effort for everyone. For you they may be only 400-500 and then again, not all of them would be that.

    I think (medical issues aside) you've found your maintenance calories for your lifestyle and the way you do your workout. I think you should be consuming more like 1500-180 for the days you actually do p90x and 1300 for the days you don't.

    So definitely cut out the protein shake (i dont bother either) because that's probably the 200-300 calories a day that's making you not lose any weight.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I had something very similar happen! Along with mworld's comment, I would suggest knocking the estimated caloric burn down a bit (save for Plyo day - that day is always rough) and see what happens. I know that I spent nearly 90 days of my P90X experiment last year totally confused as to why I wasn't losing inches and I was just eating too much (usually 1800-2000 calories / day). Also, watch for added sugars. They're also very detrimental to the P90X plan and I noticed when I've cut them pretty strict, I lose weight again. I cut my intake to 1600-1700 and that was the magic level.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I had something very similar happen! Along with mworld's comment, I would suggest knocking the estimated caloric burn down a bit (save for Plyo day - that day is always rough) and see what happens. I know that I spent nearly 90 days of my P90X experiment last year totally confused as to why I wasn't losing inches and I was just eating too much (usually 1800-2000 calories / day). Also, watch for added sugars. They're also very detrimental to the P90X plan and I noticed when I've cut them pretty strict, I lose weight again. I cut my intake to 1600-1700 and that was the magic level.

    Ooh also forgot to add - I'm a 5' female and the nutritional guide DOES recommend 1800 for women, but sometimes smaller framed women just simply cannot eat that much daily and still lose.
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    I am currently consuming about 1800 to 2000 calories which I haven't recalculated since I've started because I've stayed the same weight basically. And on MFP that's about what I should be getting with my workout calories included. I can post before and after pics, but they are on my home computer and I'm currently at work, so when I get home I will post them. I really do feel like I "bring it" pretty much every time with my occasional days here and there when I'm worn out and can't really do it too hard. I work with a bunch of doctors and PAs and one of the guys was asking me of my eating routine and I informed him I have been doing a protein shake everyday. He thinks that it could be something that is keeping the weight on. So I'm gonna try to finish up without taking in a protein shake and see if that makes a difference.

    Thanks for all your guys' opions. I really do appreciate the input and it helps to see where I can try to work on to make improvements.

    That is too many cals if you are hoping to lose weight and I have been using my hrm this time around and other then plyo the nubmers have been low, this moringing I did chest and back and ab ripper I only burnt 163 cals, I do it in a shorter time span I dont take as many breaks so it took about 45 min. but still only 163 cals, Kempo was 306, so keep in mind that you probably arent burning anywhere near 5-600 except maybe Plyo I have that tomorrow so I'll see what my hrm says. i would agree that if you want to lose then cut your cals. I wouldn't say you need to cut the protein shake as the first time around I had one after the harder workouts and lost weight I just kept myself at my calorie count so if you cut something else it would give you the same benefit. Good luck!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I have been doing P90x since April 10 and I have lost 18.5 lbs and at day 30 I had lost 13.65 inches. I am wondering about your calories consumed. Do you wear a HRM? I use a HRM and I have never hit 600 calories burned in one of those workouts. I usually range from 200 to 500 calories burned depending on the video. I go hard and give it everything I have. It saddens me that you have come so far and are discouraged. Please post the pics so we can tell you if we see any difference and if you are really unsure try lowering your calorie intake a little bit.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member

    I'm excited to see them! Try this, but take out the spaces between the brackets and the "img" -- be sure to use lowercase.

    [ img ]url_of_your_photo_here[ /img ]

    You can upload your photos to your profile on here and then right click on it and choose "copy image address". That will be the url of your photo. The link to your photo will probably end in ".jpg"
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member



    Current pic 5/25/2010

    Is there any change?
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Looks like your stomach is much tighter and more toned. Great job doing those workouts! I'll bet if you dial in the daily calorie intake you will have even more drastic change halfway through the next round.

    I'm sure you can tell you are a lot stronger already.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Looks like your stomach is much tighter and more toned. Great job doing those workouts! I'll bet if you dial in the daily calorie intake you will have even more drastic change halfway through the next round.

    I'm sure you can tell you are a lot stronger already.

    What he said.

    It sounds like you have made some fantastic fitness gains and I do see some difference in your stomach, though it is a bit hard to tell since you are twisting your torso in the second picture. I agree that you might have been a bit high on the calories so far. If I remember the nutrition guide, the way the calorie recommendations are laid out are a bit confusing and could produce a 500-calorie deficit for some people and virtually no deficit for others, depending upon where in the particular range you fit in, so it is understandable that you could have been doing everything right and maintained instead of losing. Cut back on the calories and you will start to see the fat just fall off.