Am I having reactions to processed foods?

I started my weightloss journey last July, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and having something cooked that was processed most evenings. After a few months, and almost 40 pounds lost, I stopped eating so healthy. I started getting acid reflux and indigestion very frequently, and I sometimes had a very serious pain above my stomach. I ended up going to the ER when I had a lip swelling incident that I couldn't contain (I had 3 swellings in less than a week, but I have had them frequently in the past, so this problem might not be related.) I have some common allergies, but I haven't been tested for any food allergies in 15 years. I don't have any severe consistent reactions to foods, so if I have any allergies, they must be minimal. I saw my allergy dr, who gave me a prescription for Prilosec, saying to avoid a few foods for a few weeks, and sent me on my way. Ridiculous. I never took the meds. I finally went back to eating mostly fruits and vegetables, and all the symptoms went away. The only time I ever feel sick again is if I give in to eating unhealthy, and I immediately regret it every time. Am I allergic to processed foods? What is going on? It can be caused from pizza, bakery items like donuts... I don't know how to prevent it, other than to eat as healthy as I can. Am I intolerant to things that are unhealthy because I have gone long enough eating VERY healthy? Can my body no longer process all the junk I used to eat daily? Does anyone else have a similar experience or a story to share that could help? I doubt my doctors would be able to help, and I definitely won't go back to the allergy doctor.