Hi! Really trying and would appreciate some support.

PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member

Long story short, over the last four years I have started and finished law school. In between I lost my mother-in-law and then five months later suddenly my very young father died. After school I started to pull myself together and try to shed some of the weight I packed on, but three months or so later I became unexpectedly pregnant. During my pregnancy my grandmother, whom I was extremely close to, became ill for many months and then died. Near the end of my pregnancy I had some complications and was put on bed rest for the last couple months. My baby is about a week shy of 11 months and I have been exclusively nursing her the whole time.

I can't believe I let it happen, but before law school I was a pretty average weight, and always have been if not even on the thin side. I really let myself go - big time, I have well over 100 lbs to lose now. I had some trouble exercising and cutting calories in the start due to nursing and my milk supply cutting short, but now I seem to be able to cut calories fine and exercise (I have been slowly adding both, that plus she doesn't nurse as much probably helped).

Sorry for blathering, I was just hoping there were some others who were looking for a losing weight online buddy so we could motivate and support one another.



  • kkoher02
    kkoher02 Posts: 9
    Hi! You can add me. I would love to give and receive support.
  • danijoy07
    danijoy07 Posts: 11 Member
    You've gone through a lot. Kudos to you for making a decision to prioritize you and your health. I w ill send you a friend request.
  • PhatMama9
    PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
    You are such a sweetheart, I really needed to hear nice words like that. It is a pleasure to meet you and I thank you for your friend request.
  • jeanniemarie73
    jeanniemarie73 Posts: 41 Member
    I'll add you, good luck on your journey!
  • jmv2012
    jmv2012 Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in!
    We all can do this together!
  • plainjane23
    plainjane23 Posts: 20
    Hi there PhatMama9! I have to be one of the first to tell you, packing it on or "letting yourself go" when you have trauma in your llife is perfectly normal... I, too, have done that. I've been dealing with being the sole financial support for my family (huband, 17 year old and a five year old); the rock of support for my sister who in less than one year had her husband walk out on her and their 8-yr old son, uterin cancer, and a house fire causing her to not only lose all her posessions but also the only place she and my nephew had to live; and most recently my only parent (dad) suffering "mini" strokes.

    I'm not sure how old you are, but they are so correct in telling you the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. Don't beat yourself up too much. Keep trying. The little steps you take each and every day add up!

    I'm getting back to this after doing good in the past. The people here are wonderful cheerleaders. Keep it up!
  • PhatMama9
    PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
    Thank you so much for the support and opening up. It looks like we have a bit in common, you really are the rock for so many! Thank you for being a good person and being there for your sister, that is awesome and worth 500 lbs easy!!! Yes, we need to give ourselves a little room to mess up, it makes it easier to get up and try again when you aren't weighed down with humiliation, if that makes sense. I wish you the best and would love to help support you along this journey!
  • PhatMama9
    PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
    The MFP community is awesome, thank you so much for your willingness to lend a friendly hand, I feel blessed and am so happy to return the kindness and then some. Lets do this!
  • Biggest thing that helped me was cutting out the sugar. Blood sugar going up and the insulin crashing my metabolism made me hungry. Again, not only am I losing weight but I'm losing the belly fat. I'm not a big guy so it shows and, well, I dont fit in my clothes and I feel uncomfortable. I do exercise three times a week and with the nicer weather coming my yard is my fourth day at the gym.

    Check out some of the articles around the web, be careful of hidden sugar in everyday food (like bread). There is nothing wrong with the correct carbs!

    Well, thats what worked (is working :-) for me, you took the right steps by writing, using this web site and becoming conscious day to day of your dietary/exercise life.
  • sweetneat75
    sweetneat75 Posts: 52 Member
    I've only been on mfp 30 days & the support & encouragement has been nothing less than wonderful! feel free to add me as well! Good luck to you all!
  • bcd2007
    bcd2007 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I have just started MFP today so am still trying to figure all this out. You have had a lot of stuff going on and it is great that you are making your health a priority! I have added you as a friend because we all need people to be uplifting and positive for us when we feel fragile and weak.... most especially myself :)