Chronic Constipation



  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    up th e fiber drink water drink prune juice
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yes, it's over the counter. Citrate doesn't seem to be as effective over the long term, compared to Biglycinate.

    Magnesium Biglycinate and "smooth move" senna tea are my saving grace!

    I hope you give it a try and I hope it works for you too!!

    i try to avoid the stimulant laxatives, but if you gotta, you gotta.

    Magnesium daily keeps me going, and has for a couple of years now.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in, for hilarious recommendations on how to take a dump the normal way .....
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    My son has issues with chronic constipation and I have a little trouble myself. I take 2 magnesium tablets a day and it helps me go every day. My son has great success with magnesium glycinate. I'm trying the Natural Calm with him right now and it doesn't seem as effective as the glycinate. Hope some of these suggestions help!
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    I know this answer sounds simple and I haven't read through the responses, but when I find myself constipated I increase my water for a few days to try to flush it out and look at my fiber intake. Otherwise I use an herbal colon cleanse pill but not too often as to not become dependent on them.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    try a package of exlax ..if that does not work then you have a serious problem that requires unblocking surgery...
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    I just read something in Parents magazine (for a child w/this problem) and the cure was as simple as one glass of Welch's Grape juice a day. It was reccomended by the pediatrician. Worth a try, she did emphasize Welch's. :smile:
  • DeserveVictory
    DeserveVictory Posts: 133 Member
    A friend of mine has a chronic constipation problem too. I'm not sure if its cause by her Cystic Fibrosis or the medication. Either way, she has found that certain exercises are helpful in getting things moving.

    1) Certain Yoga positions

    2) Lay on your back, hug your knees to your chest and rock back and forth. (It seems silly, but I've found it to be helpful too)

    3) Walking - not speed walking or anything strenuous. She just goes for long (~2hrs or more) leisurely strolls.

    4) Steady intake of liquids and fibre. (Sounds like you have this covered!)

    Good luck! I can't imagine how horrible this must be!
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    Please check senna tea and all the other suggestions out with your doctor before trying. I've heard something negative about senna but can't remember what it was! Hope you can get the specialist you need, and that he/she is kind as well as knowledgeable.
  • nucgirl13
    nucgirl13 Posts: 56 Member
    Wow, so many ideas on here already! I never knew so many people suffer from a similar problem as its not something people like to talk about. I used to only go about once or twice a week but no I'm using the Phillips colon health probiotics, a fiber one bar and 1-2 yogurts a day and find myself going everyday or every other day.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    If you are cutting out fats from your diet, tht could be part of the problem. The body needs a certain amount of healthy fat to keep all the parts moving along, including digestion. About 2 teaspoons of a low saturated oil (such as olive oil) will do the trick. Also, try adding nuts and seeds to your diet (in moderation, of course).
  • ColorfulWeirdo
    ColorfulWeirdo Posts: 113 Member
    I struggled with something similar for a long time. I was having all sorts of health issues (your problem being one of a litany of many of mine), and the thing that finally worked was seeing an allergist.

    Turns out, I am allergic to fleece. Every time I would go to sleep, I would make myself just a little bit sicker. However, I didn't show traditional allergy symptoms (rash, itchy eyes, etc), so finally after two years and 8 different types of doctors, I went in to an allergist for a completely different reason, she discovered my fleece allergy, and I've been so much healthier ever since.

    That may not be the case with you, but hey, it's worth a shot!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Please check senna tea and all the other suggestions out with your doctor before trying. I've heard something negative about senna but can't remember what it was! Hope you can get the specialist you need, and that he/she is kind as well as knowledgeable.
    It's a stimulant laxative. It will make you go, but might not be the best, nor good for longterm use.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    try a package of exlax ..if that does not work then you have a serious problem that requires unblocking surgery...
    wtf? Basically you're saying try a stimulant laxative. If that doesn't work, you need surgery?? Are you a medical doctor?
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    Going out of my comfort zone a little by posting this, but i am desperate for some help. I have struggled with GI problems since i was 13 (i am 21 now). At first it was my gall bladder that i had removed at the age of 14 and thing settled down for awhile. Then when i was 17 things started back up and i had chronic diarrhea for two years. All of a sudden my body stop going and i became constipated i had hemorrhoid surgery. Along this path they have found i have a paralyzed muscle that helps the colon relax so pushing out stool is almost impossible for me. Pretty much it sucks if i dont have diarrhea.

    Anyways i have been in chronic constipation for two years and counting...i have been put on massive amounts of laxatives.
    7 does of mirlax daily..failed prescription amitiza 3 times daily with 3 mirlax..failed and made me incredibly sick. now there is a new laxative on the market called lizness that i am on and its not doing its job either. i go once a week and im bloated and miserable most of the time.

    so after all this basically i am asking does anyone struggle with constipation and have any advice about what works for them?

    Thanks :)

    we in canada have peglyte you can get it in a 4litre jug, you fill with water, we have people who have severe constipation that figure you how much they need to drink a day to go regularly, you keep it in the fridge, and it is not addicting to the bowel.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I have serious GI problems and on. When my diet is superb -- meaning I eat clean, have enough fiber, and include lots of fruits and veggies and lean meats my GI problems subside. But I have too much crap -- processed food, too much bad fats, etc then I get really backed-up and then after a few days it'll get really loose. And I'll follow that same pattern until I clean up my diet.

    I find that tea and coffee help me to stay pretty regular. They have some teas that are specifically aimed for GI-tract health.
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    I used to have a lot of problems with this as well - have you told us how many calories you are eating and what % of your macros are from good fats? When I upped my calories and included more good fats this problem disappeared for me - definitely get your thyroid checked as this can defintely cause it and so can a gluten intolerance.

    in the mean time until you get it figured out, the best thing I ever tried was Nature's Life Softmag 500mg (you can order it on Amazon), it's works really well when you take it before bed.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    I Take Flaxseed and Aloe Vera Juice daily.

    I get wicked backed up and it is so uncomfortable, but this works for me.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Garden hose and hot water? :sad:
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Noticed something here: ladies- helpful, men- not helpful.