the wall

i have followed a consistent eating plan for 7 weeks now, in the first few weeks i dropped about 12 ponds but for the past 2 weeks - nothing

i exercise, elliptical, treadmill, or bike at least 40 mins/night and never eat more than the allotted calories and the weight loss simply stopped. same thing happened on weight watchers. any thoughts or ideas? i am not giving up just wondering if anyone has any thoughts. thanks. andy


  • Tomhoffman84
    Change your routine...mix in new workouts, increase intensity/duration, zig zag your calories daily, add more weight training to build some lean muscle mass/burn fat, watch your sodium, lots of stuff you can do!

    Some good articles out there about plateau breaking methods. If whatever you are doing is not working, as simple as it may sounds, you have to do something different.